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有时候人们会把飞行壁虎当作宠物。Flying geckos are sometimes keptas pets.

这些力加在一起足以保证壁虎粘在墙上。These forces are enough to make it stick.

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没有霍华德、没有壁虎、没有蟑螂,什么都没有。No Harold, No Gecko, No cockroaches, nothing.

壁虎与蜥蜴王国今天向你们问候。The Gecko and Lizard Kingdoms greets you today.

叶尾壁虎紧贴在树上,隐藏在一片绿色之中。Leaf-tailed geckos cling to the trees, cloaked in green.

如果你感觉壁虎的小脚,它们不会觉得太黏。If you feel their little feet, they don't feel sticky at all.

夜晚,我看到了一只大概八公分长的多疣壁虎。I found a Schlegel's Japanese gecko, about 8 cm long, at night.

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飞行壁虎生活在马来西亚的雨林中。Flying Gecko The flying gecko lives in the Malaysian rainforest.

壁虎是反击它们进攻的最好步兵。House geckos are the best foot soldiers to counter their attack.

同学们,你们听说过壁虎和爬山虎比赛的故事吗?Students, you have heard of gecko and Parthenocissus game story?

唯一的风险是,接下来你有可能要面对壁虎成灾噢。The only catch is, you might get a house gecko infestation next.

飞行壁虎飞行壁虎生活在马来西亚的雨林中。Flying Gecko The flying gecko lives in the Malaysian rain forest.

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此外,还有蝾螈、蛇、蟑螂、鱼、壁虎等机器人。There are robotic salamanders, snakes, cockroaches, fish and geckos.

脊龙壁虎,檐雕墙刻,宏伟而壮观。Ridge Long gecko, carved wall carved eaves, the grand and spectacular.

这种带子模仿了壁虎手上数以万计的毛发。This tape mimics the millions and millions of hairs on a gecko's hands.

他比喻肃贪会和警察的关系是“壁虎对鳄鱼”。He fanned the KPK-police feud with his “gecko versus crocodile” analogy.

夜行壁虎能够以不同波长把光线聚集到牠们的视网膜上。Nocturnal geckos can focus light in varying wavelengths on their retinas.

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巨型叶尾壁虎栖息于马达加斯加岛的蒙塔格尼。The giant leaf-tailed gecko lives in Montagne d'Anjanaharibe, Madagascar.

另一些懒猴在救援中心捕食壁虎以及鸟类。Others have been seen at the rescue centre hunting gecko lizards and birds.

盖姆在他之前受到壁虎的脚的启发,研制出了一种超粘的录音带。In previous research, Geim created a super-sticky tape inspired by geckos' feet.