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上帝那充满牢骚的召唤。God's querulous calling.

那车道召唤她。The driveway called her.

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我已聼到了召唤。I have heard the summons.

我们想法一致,召唤师。We are in accord, summoner.

职责总是会召唤自由民。Duty always called free men.

你关不住我的,召唤师。You cannot cage me, Summoner.

钢之刃我召唤汝。Blade of steel I conjure thee.

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你是否在召唤或者预言?Are you calling or foretelling?

不要测试你的运气,召唤师!Don't test your luck, summoner!

只有你可以听到我的话,召唤师。Only you can hear me, summoner.

召唤宠物现在是个弹出式图标了。The Call Pet button is a flyout.

不要测试你的运气,召唤师!Don n't test your luck, summoner!

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他在我的梦中向我召唤。He calls to me through my dreams.

你确定能把到我么,召唤师?Sure you can handle me, summoner?

我有别的事情在召唤吗?Do I have something else lined up?

母袋鼠把小袋鼠召唤到自己身边。His mother calls joey to her side.

我会后德韦恩的召唤!I will summon the Afete Dwain'tor!

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它一定感到那炽热的召唤It must have felt that fervid call

从黑暗中有什么召唤在引动你?What call from the dark urges you?

当爱召唤你时,跟随他。When love beckons you, follow him.