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冗余是不可避免的。Redundancy is inevitable.

一场决斗是不可避免的。One meeting was unavoidable.

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不可避免要花时间。Necessary to spend nany time.

不可避免的。There' s no escape from that.

黄金年是不可避免的。The golden years are inevitable.

于是一场争斗不可避免地爆发了。So a combat broke out unavoidably.

不可避免的困难的确存在。And there are inevitable difficulties.

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几个结论看来不可避免。Several conclusions seemed inescapable.

结果将是,不可避免的,疼痛。The upshot of this is, inevitably, pain.

你会死去这是不可避免的。It's inevitable that you're going to die.

那才是这个问题不可避免的底线。That’s the inescapable bottom line of it.

正如死亡和税收一样,错误是不可避免的。Bugs are as inevitable as death and taxes.

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实际的产品不可避免地变得丑陋。The actual product is unavoidably grotesque.

而中国不可避免地要步他们的后尘。China, inevitably, will follow in their wake.

时代不可避免的前进脚步也不过如此。So much for the inevitable march of progress.

你真知道喜乐将不可避免地降临吗?Do you know that the joy is inevitably coming?

那么氢原子是不可避免的地雷吗?So are hydrogen atoms unavoidable space mines?

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首先,要认识到这是不可避免的。First off, to realize that this was inevitable.

那么,在这个时候,一场婆媳大战是不可避免了。Ok, at this time, a fight will not be invoided.

这样微妙的并列是不可避免的。The not-so-subtle juxtaposition is inescapable.