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这些花儿给他以很大生趣。The flowers give him great joy of life.

失落一些生趣、由于失去了我?Wouldst thou miss any life in losing mine?

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为理想的实现而生活,则生趣盎然。For the realization of the ideal life, the joy of life is abundant.

女娲想给世间增加生趣,使之更美。The almighty Goddess Nuwa wanted to add life and beauty to the world.

这样每天变来变去的生活一定很有生趣吧!What an adventure life must be like for you, bouncing around like that all day!

池沼则“大多引用活水”,是因为活水才有生趣。Marsh is "most of the reference live water" is because the living water is interesting.

如果你只是对你的日常工作才有兴趣,那你的生趣也就很有限了。If you are interest-ed only in your regular occupation, you are alive only to that extent.

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北方初秋的夜,月色朦胧,夜色显得那么幽美,生趣盎然。North early autumn night, moonlight dim, night appears to be so beautiful, joyfully lively.

烟灰缸里的烟头也显得更加颓废却又了有生趣。当然我自己是不吸烟的。The dog-end in the ashtray looks more decadent but has some joy of life. of course I never smoke.

关西第一大城──大阪亦富有生趣,以其好娱乐、喜喧闹的居民而闻名。Also interesting is Osaka, the biggest city in Kansai, known for its fun-loving, boisterous people.

他将起居饮食、生活琐事与自己的人生经历巧妙地融会于散文中,显得生趣盎然。He blends the details of daily life and the experiences of his own into his essays, making them exuberant.

我们被告知,将计算机推介给学校,多媒体将会使教学变得简单和富有生趣。Then there are those pushing computers into schools. We're told that multimedia will make schoolwork easy and fun.

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仙人桥浑然天成,状如彩虹,周围景观独特、生趣盎然,秀美的风景让人心旷神怡。The natural Xianren Bridge looks like a rainbow. The surrounding scenery is also unique, and fascinating to visitors.

这位31岁的全职妈妈将一盘盘的食物变成了五颜六色的动物、人物和图片,让用餐时间变得生趣盎然。The 31-year-old full-time mum transforms plates of food into colourful animals, people and pictures to liven up meal times.

同时,他喜爱大自然的心性和行万里路的经历又使他的创作贴近自然,产生许多富含生趣、新鲜活泼的自然风景诗。Meanwhile, he loved nature and drifted in many places which promoted him creating so many vivid and lively poems closed to nature.

单色基调使涟漪的水面可以倒映在建筑表皮上,为日夜增添生趣。The monochromatic palette allows reflections from the water's rippling surface to dance along the facade during both day and night.

人本为思考而生趣、而产物。贯注能于手中,心思索,然后得画。People thought this was interesting and health , and product . the energy injected into the hands of heart pondering , and then a painting.

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女娲想给世间增加生趣,使之更美。于是她用黄土捏泥人,照着她自己的样子做人。Nuwa wanted to add life and beauty to the world. She set about making man with clay. She shaped little figures after her image with her hands.

很多仅有真人角色的教学片时常会让学生感到有些缺乏生趣,尽管其拥有一流的制作和演出。Language teaching videos with dialogue between human characters can often end up feeling dry and dull, even if they are well-acted and produced.

这两栋建筑外观框架是白色的镀膜玻璃,而里面还是黑漆漆一片,以沉默的姿态俯视着一旁生趣盎然的新天地。The two buildings, skeletal with off-white exterior membranes and dark inside, appear to lurk over the entrance of the otherwise lively Xintiandi neighborhood.