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如果有必要请印在自己的脑门上提醒自己。Stencil it on your forehead if you must.

不要让脑门闭上,看不见这些记忆。Don't let the door close on those memories.

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难道我看起来脑门上是印着通用电气的商标吗?Does it look like I have a G.E. logo printed on my forehead?

你可以扩大脑门并减小下巴。You can expand the forehead and reduce the size of the chin.

难道我脑门上写着西屋电气么?Does it look like I have Westinghouse written on my forehead?

当他离开的时候,擦了一下满是汗的脑门,然后深深地叹了一口气。After he left, he wiped his sweating forehead and sighed with relief.

几只头型鸽不错,自行车有个黄的鼓脑门挺好。A few good first type dove, yellow bike has a very good drum forehead.

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随着脑门上的汗水不断滴下,我们的疑虑也在增加。The suspense grew, along with the beads of sweat forming on our foreheads.

好吧,我的大度的大脑门的朋友,我的客人就是我游戏里的人物。Well, my generously foreheaded friend, they’re the characters in the game.

但是不管我敲他脑门多少次,他过后都总能忘得一干二净。But no matter how many noogies I give him, he always forgets the next time.

在你不知道的情况下你的头发可能变得稀疏,特别是在脑门。Your mane may have thinned, especially at the crown, without you knowing it.

看看那条胡同,老冷拍拍脑门叹了一口气。Looking at the side street, Cool-man wiped his forehead as he uttered a sigh.

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那人也打中了他一拳。脑门顶上鼓起的小包包还在。The man had hit him once high up on his head and there was a small bump there.

“通过眼角的余光,我发现了这个女孩,”他说,“她当时穿着鲜亮的蓝色短裙,一身深色紧身衣,还有脑门后的一朵小花。”She had bright blue shorts and dark blue tights and a flower in the back of her hair.

最起码,他们应该在海丝特·白兰的脑门上烙个记号。At the very least,they should have put the brand of a hot iron on Hester Prynne's forehead.

它们喜欢在脑门上打钉饰,这些大钉子通常直接敲在它们坚硬的头盖骨上。Their foreheads are often decorated with metal studs screwed directly into their thick skulls.

今天,我男友给我看了他放在又踢又不上的一段视频,他挤破了他脑门上的一个巨大的黑头。Today, my boyfriend showed me a YouTube video of him popping a huge blackhead on his forehead.

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脑门上的火疙瘩有没有特管用的治疗方法?。Does the igneous a knot in one's heart on cerebral door provide used remedial method especially?

几只头型挺好,特别是那几只紫的鼓脑门,有只特有型。A few very good head shape, especially the drum a few purple forehead, with only the specific type.

我们扯什么记号不记号的,管它是在她前襟上还是脑门上呢?What do we talk of marks and brands, whether on the bodice of her gown, or the flesh of her forehead?