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这是一个神乎其神的传说。This is such a wonderful legend.

事实远没有传说的那样神乎其神。The facts are more prosaic than the legend.

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但是,现实却远远没有那么神乎其神。But the engineering realities are a lot more prosaic.

那些被吹得神乎其神的收益和金融创新有如何了呢?And what about the much-touted benefits of financial innovation?

对于这种扑克决胜绝技的手法说得神乎其神,但是要你真的练成,还是要花点功夫的!For the poker winning stunt technique that miraculous, but you really made, or take a kungfu!

特别是商家和娱乐团体,把“羊”炒得神乎其神。This is especially so in commercial and entertainment circles, where the sheep has attained a godlike status.

虽然吹得神乎其神,但这只不过是他配合李文学做的一个哄骗定金的骗局。Although blow, get fantastic, but this just is a when he cooperates Li Wen to learn to do fraud that tricks deposit.

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美国的特种部队和情报部门平时被吹得神乎其神,但他们对如何抓捕拉登却毫无办法。U. S. special forces and intelligence blown at ordinary times, but they are fantastic on how to catch osama bin laden but no way.

但问题是,被传得神乎其神的投资避风港,即所谓避险资产,是越来越难找了。But the problem for the fearful is that that much-vaunted investment hidey-hole, the so-called safe-haven asset, is getting harder and harder to find.

韦恩是一个神乎其神的科学家,他发明了一台极机密的能够将物体变小的机器,在兴奋之余却忘记警告家人。Wayne is an incredible scientist, he invented a secret that can be an object smaller machines, in the excitement I have forgotten the warning family members.

虽说VR技术早就被吹得神乎其神了,那对于大多数人来说,它仍是一种新奇的玩意儿。At the sprawling technology trade show, I was eager to sample the latest in VR, a technology that's been hyped for a generation but remains a novelty to most people.

梅威瑟并不像你们这些拳迷仔一样----把霍亚弄得神乎其神,所以呢,只要梅威瑟不断击败“神乎其神”的人物,他就会站在P4P的榜首。Mayweather didn't create the myth of Oscar De La Hoya , you fanboys did, so as long as Mayweather keeps beating the "myth" he'll stay at the top of the P4P rankings-M.

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美国一位八十六岁老翁,意外被修枝剪刺穿其眼窝并深入颅骨,复原状况却是神乎其神地好。An 86-year-old American has made a stunning recovery after a gardening accident left him with a pair of pruning shears impaled through an eye socket deep into his skull.