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你真是见钱眼开。You are too easily influenced by money.

也没有必要浪费精力去交往一个见钱眼开的人。There is no need to waste energy to contact a person seeks.

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玉兰的父亲朱大吉见钱眼开,竟将祖屋授权给政府。Yulan's father, Zhu Daji, agrees to sell his ancestral house to the government.

爸比妈咪并不希望大贝贝变成见钱眼开的小孩。Mummy and Daddy do not actually want Justin to become a child who sees only money.

有一个事实我们不能否定就是大多数人都是见钱眼开。There exist a fact that most of us will undoubtedly be greedy at the sight of money.

那些见钱眼开,甚至不惜出卖自己灵魂的人是真正的贫穷的人,他们的心穷是不可改变的现实。Those sell soul for money are really poor people, it's the unchanged fact that their poor from deep soul.

死心眼的红袜球迷始终不能原谅他的离队,认定他是见钱眼开。Die-hard Red Sox fans are unlikely to ever forgive his departure, perceived as being inspired by financial greed.

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他们的对话正好被鲇川听到,见钱眼开的30岁教员天然不会放过这个发家的时机。Their conversation was just Nian sichuan hear, aged 30 faculty greed will not miss this got rich natural the timing.

南城四虎实则是几个亡命之徒,听说林午阳有大批的财宝,见钱眼开,决定跟随林午阳。South four tigers are actually few outlaws, hear Lin Wu Yang a great treasure, greedy, decided to follow Lin Wu Yang.

南城四虎见钱眼开,悄悄跟踪了林午阳来到据点,准备私吞林午阳的金条。South four tiger mercenaries, quietly followed Lin Wu Yang came to the stronghold, ready to take Lin Wu Yang gold bars.

权力在纽约也有作用,不过纽约人有点见钱眼开,即使那是你不费吹灰之力继承来的。Power matters in New York too of course, but New York is pretty impressed by a billion dollars even if you merely inherited it.

恰恰是政府部门没有“见钱眼开”,而是目光长远,放水养鱼,才使得没有被抽血的中国电信企业仍然保持了强劲的发展后劲。Not money-minded, the relevant government department kept a long-term point of view of adding the reserve strength for the development of telecom enterprises.

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拉辛奇镇官员盘算到,那些见钱眼开的地皮商一定会抢购这座年久失修、故障百出的公厕,因为它位于大西洋海岸蜿蜒海岸线上的一片冲浪海滩中。The town of Lahinch reckons property-hungry buyers will snap up the dilapidated, out-of-order toilet because of its great location -- a surfing beach on Ireland's rugged Atlantic coast.

更有趣的是,片中新加入了专门撰写武林历史的史官红叶,该人物被设置成见钱眼开、谁给钱就写谁的“贪官”,极具讽刺意味。More interesting is that the new film written by martial arts add a special history historiographer leaves, the figure is set to money eyes, who Writing Whose money on "corrupt", highly ironic.

“昨天我们只有18个人参加战斗,”Qomendan说道,天花板很低,他用坚定的眼神注视着屋子中间的某个地方,“你也看到了有多少见钱眼开的人和美国佬一起攻击我们。"Yesterday I had only 18 fighters, " the Qomendan said, his unwavering gaze fixed on a point somewhere in the middle of the low-ceilinged room. "You saw how many mercenaries and Americans were there.