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现在让我们得到它企图不。Now let's get it movin'

他的企图成了泡影。He failed in his attempt.

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他企图借酒消愁。He drowned his cares in wine.

他们企图混淆是非。They should not get mixed up.

他企图贿赂警方。He tried to suborn the police.

他走向门去企图逃跑。He steps to the door to escape.

他跌倒时企图抓住我的胳臂。He clutched at my arm as he fell.

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他的罪恶企图未能得逞。His evil designs were frustrated.

那个寡廉鲜耻的家伙企图欺骗我!That dirty dog tried to cheat me!

这种企图其实是徒劳无益的。This attempt is actually in vain.

任何这样做的企图都是没有意义的。Any attempt to do so is pointless.

他们企图夜袭。They attempted an attack by night.

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他们的企图成了泡影。They were foiled in their attempt.

他们推翻政府的企图终成泡影。A plot to overthrow the government.

他们企图驱散集会的人。They tried to break up the meeting.

他们企图教化土人。They tried to civilize the natives.

他企图剥夺我们一角钱。He had sought to deprive us of dime.

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他企图收买陪审团中一个陪审员。He tried to nobble one of the jurors.

他企图欺骗我们,但最终失败了。His attempt to deceive us was foiled.

他们的企图注定要失败。Their attempt is destined to failure.