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文学著作和文艺批评。Literary works and literary criticism.

主张文艺批评也是创作。Proposing that artistic commentary is also artistic creation.

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鲁迅曾提出希望文艺批评家做“剜烂苹果”的工作。Lu Xun hoped that literary critics should do the job of "gouging rotten apples".

新罗人的这些乡歌观,为以后文艺批评的发展奠定了良好的基础。These viewpoints undoubtedly made a good foundation for the latter literary critique.

俄国文艺批评传统中存在着一条历史轨迹鲜明的“生命路线”。There existed a distinct "line of life" in the traditional Russian literary criticism.

这一直是文艺批评,尤其是神话和犯罪小说文艺批评中所沿用的指导原理。This axiom is still used as a guide in criticism, especially of mystery and crime fiction.

文艺界的主要的斗争方法之一,是文艺批评。Literary and art criticism is a complex question which requires a great deal of special study.

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文艺批评的困境问题,实际上是一个传播渠道不畅通的问题。The predicament for criticism in literary and art is, in fact, that in obstructed communicative channels.

所谓“传神”的思想乃是我国古代文艺批评的一个重要传统。The so called thinking of "lifelikeness" is an important tradition of literary criticism in our ancient times.

从1903年开始,普列汉诺夫的政治立场游移不定,但文艺批评却成果卓著。Since 1903, political standpoint of Plekhanov keep on vacillating, but art criticism distinguished achievement.

马克思恩格斯文艺批评的总体原则和方法是美学观点和历史观点。The overall principle and approach of Mark's and Engel's literary criticism is esthetical and historical viewpoint.

王元骧的文艺批评是必要的政治批评和深入的理论批评的有机结合。His literary criticism is an organic combination of the necessary political criticism and deep theoretical criticism.

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对艺术背后文学制度的思考,对马克思主义文艺美学与文艺批评具有先锋性的意义。Literature system under culture context has pioneer significance to literature aesthetics of Marxism and art criticism.

文艺创作和文艺批评中对立统一的艺术规律,是艺术辩证法的核心。The rule of antinomy and unification in literature art creating and artistic criticizing becomes the core of the art dialectics.

葛兰西在确立“民族—人民”文学思想的基础上,提出了关于文艺批评的思想原则的观点。Gramsci put forward the view about ideological principles of literary criticism based on the "Nation-the people" literary thought.

文艺批评可以在文本形态、传播方式、切入支点、表述风格等四个方面来拓展话语空间。The criticism in literary and art can expand discourse space in text forms, communicative manner, cutover pivot and expressive style.

周扬的文艺批评,主要表现为作为政治家的社会政治批评以及作为理论家的审美鉴赏式批评。His literary criticism was the combination of his social-political criticism as a statesman and his aesthetic appreciation as a writer.

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实践上,他把想象力理论自觉应用于界名著的文艺批评,并以此来提升自己的小说创作。In practice, he uses the theory of imagination sub-consciously to criticize the world-famous works and to improve his own novel writing.

本论部分,对卢卡契在历史唯物主义、辩证唯物主义及总体性影响下的文艺批评理论与实践进行整理与评析。Second, I rearrange and evaluate theory and practice on criticism that is affected by Historical Materialism, Dialectical Materialism and Totality Theory.

从诗歌、戏剧到文艺批评及杂文,他都有所涉猎,而正是通过这些多样的艺术形式才表现出了各种各样的自我。From poetry, drama to literary criticism and essays, he has the read materials, and it is through these various art forms to demonstrate a variety of self.