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我们是委员会的成员。We serve on committees.

硬度高达约人权委员会65。Hardness up to about HRC 65.

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硬度高达约人权委员会67。Hardness up to about HRC 67.

硬度高达约人权委员会70。Hardness up to about HRC 70.

硬度高达约人权委员会90。Hardness up to about HRC 90.

硬度高达约人权委员会93。Hardness up to about HRC 93.

您是如何看待这个委员会的?How do you view that council?

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与蒙藏委员会徐科长及霍普金斯教授。With Mr. Hsi and Prof. Hopkins.

他对委员会指手画脚。He lorded it over the committee.

Kyl是超级委员会的成员.Kyl is a super committee member.

向消费品安全委员会举报每一个事件Report Every Incident to the CPSC

戴维是我党委员会的主席。David’s the chairman of our board.

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向消费品安全委员会举报每个事件。Report every incident to the CPSC.

该委员会谴责新法律。The council denounced the new law.

该委员会本周公布了它的发现。It unveiled its findings this week.

有必要做这个委员会的委员吗?Do you have to chair that committee?

在委员会前,摩恩证实了这些。Moen testified before the committee.

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委员会在市政厅开会。The committee meets in the townhall.

他暗通关节,钻营投机挤进了委员会。He bribed himself onto the committee.

我就在编写这份报告的委员会。I was on the committee that wrote it.