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警察认明人质是迪特尔霍斯。Police identified the hostage as Dieter Hoss.

警察认明人质是迪特尔霍斯。Police identified the hostage as dieter hoses.

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明人“韵”论在两个层面上展开。Mings theory on poetic "rhythm" has two points.

中秋的英语小诗简短些今夜月明人尽望。Moon and man are looking at each other tonight.

今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家。Tonight Moon people look, do not know song falls whose home.

今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家。Tonight, do not know to look on all his autumn thought to come.

神注目观看人的道路,看明人的脚步。For his eyes are upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his goings.

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于是,勒明人把荚果拖到开阔地,把它们修成小屋。Instead, the Lurmen dragged the pods into a clearing and used them as huts.

惊奇的是,勒明人保留了一个阿马尼人先前展示过的特点。Curiously, the Lurmen do retain one quality previously exhibited by the Amanin.

不久以后,分裂势力抵达马里登,决定铲除勒明人。Shortly thereafter, the Separatists arrived, determined to wipe out the Lurmen village.

然后,接收方可使用证明人的公开密钥来验证报文的可信度。Recipients can then use the certifier's public key to verify the message's authenticity.

用非暴力和无冲突的方式解决问题是深深扎根于勒明人心中的哲学。Tee Watt Kaa espoused a deeply rooted philosophy of non-violence and non-aggressive solutions.

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杜库要求对其有效性作出进一步证明,于是杜尔德把勒明人村寨定为第二个目标。Dooku demanded further examples of its effectiveness, so Durd next targeted the Lurmen village.

可以说,笑话对晚明人而言,是破愁解颐、针砭时弊、散布教谕的工具。On a whole, it is safely said that joke is a tool for releasing moods and dispersing preachment.

通过这种景象来说明人与他们所处的外界间的距离是很新奇的。That this prospect is novel speaks to the distance that has come between people and their environment.

美国明人婚礼策划专家,时尚设计师,权威专家,给众多明星名流策划婚礼或派对。David Tutera, is a celebrity wedding planner, bridal fashion designer, author and professional speaker.

帝国掌权后,伊洛明人被沦为奴隶,而伊洛姆人的地产也被剥夺。When the Empire came to power, the Elomins were turned into slaves and the Eloms' land rights were ignored.

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明代刊刻了大量的丛书,这些丛书一方面保留了很多珍贵的文献资料,一方面又存在着某些明人刻书陋习。The series of Ming Dynasty saved a lot of valuable literatures, but we also disoover some bad habits from the series.

明代中期,随着词学的复苏,明人开始对词体创作萎缩的状况进行反思并探究其原因。The Mid-Ming Period witnessed renaissance of Ci study, which prompted many scholars to examine the cause of Cis decline.

在治道观上,两者均取推天道以明人事的思维取象。As for the Dao of governance, both of them take the idea that human conducts should be in conformity with the Dao of heaven.