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方法利用XRD和SEM等微观手段,对掺入超缓凝剂水泥砂浆的缓凝性能进行了测试和表征。The retarding properties of cement paste with the super-retarding agent have been characterized and analyzed by means of XRD and SEM.

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研究了掺入超磨细石灰石粉对超高强混凝土的力学性能的影响。In this article, authors study influences of addition of ultra-fine lime stone powder on mechanical properties of ultra-high-strength concrete.

抽取超类与抽取接口的最大区别在于放入超类中的方法是被实际移到那里的。A huge difference between extracting a superclass and extracting an interface is that the methods put in the superclass are actually moved there.

但是,你要记住动物的脂肪是含雄性激素食品的主要成分,所以总是摄入超低脂肪的食物会影响男性的生育能力。Men should keep in mind, however, that animal fat is an important part of testosterone production, so going ultra-low fat can be counterproductive.

由于中国及海湾石油出口国有着巨大的经常账户入超,新兴经济整体仍然向富裕世界送出资金。Thanks to hugecurrent-account surpluses in China and the oil-exporters in the Gulf,emerging economies as a group still send capital to the rich world.

虽然中美贸易额不断增长,但中国入超也逐年加大,这无疑同关税问题有关。Although the total volume of Sino-American trade kept increasing, the trade deficit of China was also increasing, which obviously had to do with the issue of tariff.

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详细类输出显示额外信息,例如在装入超类的时候,在运行静态初始化器的时候。Verbose class output shows additional information, such as when superclasses are being loaded, and when static initializers are being run. Some example output follows

中外贸易状况由出超向入超转变,并成为此后中外贸易变化的基本趋向。And it can also be observed that Sino-foreign trade underwent the change from trade surplus to trade deficit, forming the basic trend of changes in later Sino-foreign trade.

在预涂型厌氧胶甲组分中加入超细碳酸钙、硅微粉作为填料,可制得性能较好的高强度、中强度预涂型厌氧胶。The preapplied high strength and medium strength anaerobic adhesives were made by filling superfine calcium carbonate or silicon powder as filler in preapplied anaerobic adhesives.

中国百余年图书馆学研究中的“拿来主义”,导致学术原创性的缺失,并使得当今中国的图书馆学研究完全处于低势位的“入超”状态,没有资格对其他国家输出研究成果。It leads to the absence of academic originality and results in the situation that Chinese library science research gets into "import surplus" state and can't export research fruit to other countries.