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有微微的风和轻薄的雾。Smooth wind and light fog.

床架上轻薄的纱帐。The frivolous gauze account on bedstead.

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看,他们的菜单多么轻薄易破啊。“Look how flimsy their menus are,” Bessie giggle.

为您的身体打造的一款轻薄无油的防晒护肤乳液。A lightweight, oil free sun care lotion for your body.

涉过你轻薄的镜片,我看到深邃的瞳孔。Has forded your frivolous lens, I see the profound pupil.

刘海干了后,用一款轻薄的喷发定型剂喷在上面定型。When dry, mist your fringe with a lightweight hair spray.

她穿着那身轻薄的衣衫,显得很甜蜜,很柔软。She was so sweet, so soft-looking in her thin white dress.

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一篇严肃的政治演讲不该充斥着轻薄无聊的话。A serious political speech should not be full of frivolities.

享乐主义和轻薄浮佻会将地狱扩展到我们的整个日子之中。Hedonism and frivolity will diffuse hell through all our days.

生命,一次又一次轻薄过,轻狂不知疲倦。Life, thin and light-off time and time again. Frivolous tireless.

轻薄的光纤电缆已取代了无数吨重的铜线。Thin fibre-optic cable has replaced huge tonnages of copper wire.

她穿着轻薄的毛衣,一条裙子让她的长腿分外动人。She wore a sheer sweater and a skirt that flattered her long legs.

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这些聚合物在头发上形成一层轻薄的保护膜。These are polymers that deposit a lightweight coating on the hair.

本文对生产纯毛单纱轻薄织物的经纱上浆工艺做于初步探讨。Research work on sizing of light-weighted wool fabric is conducted.

轻薄的雪纺材质,风吹的时候很有盈动感。Frivolous snow spins when qualitative, the wind is cyberworks feeling.

电影里那些个电脑都轻薄小巧,轻轻触碰就能跃然而出。They’re thin and light, a single pane that jumps to life when touched.

那一个上午,空气里似乎都氤氲着一股轻薄暖和的气息。That one morning, appear in air the breath of a dense frivolous warmth.

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工业技术研究院还演示了一款用此项技术制造的轻薄可折叠显示屏。ITRI has demonstrated a prototype paper-thin display made with this process.

青年时代总是过于认真的,而时下青年则过分轻薄。Youth is always too serious, and just now it is too serious about frivolity.

青年时代总是过于认真的,而时下青年则过分轻薄。Youth are always too serious, and just now it is too serious about frivolity.