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她是一个逍遥自在的,坦白的和虚心的少女。She is an easygoing, frank and open-minded girl.

我们静静地站着,看着鱼儿逍遥自在地游来游去。We stood in silence watching the fish glide effortlessly.

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他们经常逍遥自在地四处游览,特别是在夏天。They jaunt about quite a lot,especially during the summer.

然而,想要拥有如此逍遥自在的生活也并非是件容易的事。Nevertheless, it is not easy to live in a leisurely and free life.

哈佛的课外生存也很棒,我在Radcliffe过着逍遥自在的生活。And dorm life am terrific. I lived up at Radcliffe, in Currier House.

警察限于国境之内,罪犯却能逍遥自在四处漫游。And althoughpoliceareconstrained by national borders, criminals roam freely.

中国年轻的数字一代也正逍遥自在的伴着电子商务一起成长。China's younger digital generations are also growing at ease withe-commerce.

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塔普利先生想必正逍遥自在地在二楼的楼梯口歇着呢。Mr. Tapley appeared to be taking his ease on the landing of the first floor.

中国年轻的数字一代也正逍遥自在的伴着电子商务一起成长。China's younger digital generations are also growing at ease with e-commerce.

那些经常板起脸孔,好像没有七情六欲的人,自有他的逍遥自在。Kong, who are often flooded, it did not release the person, his own Fly comfortable.

遇上个红颜知己,也就像范蠡携手西施泛舟海外,逍遥自在去了。When a confidante, also like Fan Li to Shi rafting overseas, to be leisurely and carefree.

斯托一见这位逍遥自在、无忧无虑的瘦高个儿,就觉得这正是自己要找的人。Stowe took one look at the happy-go-lucky string bean , and saw just what he was looking for.

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退休以后,老王一到下午,便一个人安步当车,出门逍遥自在去了。Every afternoon Lao Wang would take a leisurely walk to enjoy the happiness of a retired life.

首先,不工作,没责任和压力,逍遥自在其乐无穷的感觉没了。First the feeling of no working, no responsibility, no pressure and unfettering has disappeared.

但是在这些逍遥自在、无忧无虑的荡秋鞑的孩子们当中,至少有一个孩子是感到焦虑的。But among all those happy-go-lucky , carefree spirits playing on swings there will be at least one anxious youngster.

闭上双眼,放空心灵,让过去的不愉快成为过去,以积极向上的态度过逍遥自在的生活。Close your eyes, clean up the heart, the past let bygones be bygones, and with a willing attitude, a happy-go-lucky life.

他是个性情和善的人,就在病榻和死人面前也难改变他那逍遥自在的态度。He was a good-tempered man, who found it difficult to keep down his jovial easiness even by the bed of sickness of death.

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如果你尊重努力工作的人们,你应该与勤奋的人结婚,并非懒惰或者太逍遥自在的人。If you respect people who work hard, you should marry someone who is hard-working, not someone who is lazy or too easy-going.

你不必笑盈盈、生活逍遥自在的一个人,但是你要散发自信和快乐,来吸引别人。You don't have to be a glad-handing life-of-the-party, but you do have to project confidence and good cheer to draw people to you.

这位逍遥自在的大情人喜欢骑著单车趴趴走,所以这几个年轻制片者们也买了双座脚踏车与他片刻不离。The peripatetic Valentine likes to cruise around on his bicycle, so the young filmmakers bought a tandem bike to stay close to him.