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雨过天青即是自由处。The rain is free.

可以用更简便的直接浸润刃天青纸片法替代定量唾液刃天青纸片法。The simpler direct soakage RD TEST can replace the quantificational saliva RD TEST.

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寓意丰富的构形,配以天青釉色清纯,深邃的美韵,使该鼎成为现代雅室大堂的理想陈品。Artistic appearance with limpid sky blue let this work to be a perfect exhibit in hall or room.

在前报道中已经鉴定出绿脓杆菌去辅基天青蛋白突变体M121L可以多种构象共存。In a previous report, the conformation heterogeneity of apoazurin mutant M121L had been identified.

本文着重阐述了恢复汝官窑天青釉瓷所用原料的性质、生产工艺以及汝官窑天青釉瓷的呈色规律。This article expounded the property of material which used to return celeste glaze in Ru Kuan Ware.

以铝与铬天青形成的络合物为载体制备新型PVC膜铝离子选择电极。The new style PVC membrane of aluminium ion-selective electrodes based on AlCAS carrier were prepared.

正当兰飞和芷寒将要被处决的时候,背后的枪先响了,是藏在军统的魏天青救了他们。When LAN Fei and Zhi cold will be executed, behind the gun rang, is hidden in the juntong Qingjiu their Wei days.

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淋巴细胞为圆形,核较大,胞质内含有板状嵴线粒体、粗面内质网和嗜天青颗粒。Lymphocyte is round, there are mitochondrion, rough endoplasmic reticulum and azurophil granule in their cytoplasm.

细胞形态学上K562细胞原始未分化特性比较明显,HL60细胞质内已有嗜天青颗粒和空泡等细胞分化特征。MPO was positive in HL60 cells. K562 cells morphology obviously showed a primitive and no-differentiation characteristic.

经查阅资料,测定铝的主要方法有铬天青S法和铝试剂法。By access to information, determination methods of alumina are mainly including chrome azurol S method and aluminon method.

研究了在液氯介质中,铬天青S作显色剂分光光度法测微量铝的新方法。The article mainly introduces the new method of using chromazurine S as developer spectrophotometry to determine aluminium content.

研究了在液氦温度下天青釉超精细相互作用参数的变化和参数变化的机制。The variation of the hyperfine interaction parameters and the variable mechanism of the sky-green glaze at liquid helium temperature is studied.

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研究了在氯化十四烷基吡啶及乳化剂OP存在下,铬天青S与钪显色反应的适宜条件。The study of optimum conditions of the colour reaction of scandium with chrome azurol S in the presence of tetradecyl pyridinium chloride and emulgent OP is reported in this paper.

基于在一定温度和硫酸介质中,痕量甲醛对溴酸钾氧化天青A有较强的催化作用,建立了测定痕量甲醛的新的催化光度法。Based on the catalytic effects of trace formaldehyde on the reaction between potassium bromate and oxidized azur A, a new catalytic spectrophotometric method has been developed in this paper.