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我曾找过情妇,比如赛林娜,那个法国舞女。I tried taking mistresses, like , the French dancer.

出现在他面前的是一个漂亮的穿得很少舞女。Standing before him is a gorgeous scantily-clad showgirl.

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舞女们在巴格达的一间俱乐部为男性顾客们表演。Dancers perform for male patrons at a nightclub in Baghdad.

需要闲钱时,加根就兼职当舞女。When extra credit was needed, Gargan moonlighted as a dancer.

不过他保证说,管理人员会督促舞女将丁字裤送交正主。But management, he assured, was going to reinforce the G-string distribution.

舞女则假扮是在高中时曾漠视他们的舞会王后。The dancer makes believe she is the prom queen who ignored them in high school.

我做过三年舞女,但已经厌倦去俱乐部。I had been a dancer for three years, but had started to hate going to the clubs.

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天地初分,从创世主不安的梦魂的翻腾中,升起了两个女人①。一个是天国乐园的舞女,男人热切追慕的对象。IN the beginning of time, there rose from the churning of God's dream two women.

下班后,金的男同事会经常到叫做沙龙房的舞女酒吧里聚会,金被拒之门外。After work, her male colleagues would often bond at hostess bars called room salons.

如果一个舞女开始违反规定,其他舞女的压力就大了,她们也就会跟着一起违规。If one dancer starts breaking the rules then the pressure is on others to do the same.

饮酒间,又有十二个舞女上来,请问演何词曲。AS Baoyu sipped it, twelve dancing girls stepped forward to ASk what they should perform.

显然,如amNewYork今晨所说,丁字裤甚至将由舞女亲笔签名。Apparently, the G-string is even going to be autographed, as amNewYork noted this morning.

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与此同时,一个体态丰腴的金发舞女会绕着“旋转舞厅”下的一根柱子大秀钢管舞。At the same time, a buxom blonde dancer gyrates around a pole under the spinning disco ball.

在这个时候,Katz最亲近的人,只有脱衣舞吧里的舞女了。By this time, Katz's closest acquaintances were the dancers at the strip bars he frequented.

作为一个舞女,我有很多让男人放松并鼓励他们对我敞开心扉的方法。As a dancer, I know lots of ways to set men at their ease and encourage them to open up to me.

非芭蕾舞者或许只知道“芭蕾舞女演员”和“芭蕾舞裙”这些词。Non-ballet dancers would probably only know the words "ballerina" and "tutu" from that list, though.

可是,这些私人舞女究竟是怎样知道该去哪个旅馆房间的现在却成了一个棘手的问题。How exactly these private dancers know which hotel rooms to visit, though, has become a thorny question.

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Fischer说Katz给她和其他舞女买了大量的礼品,经常带着她们成群结队去拉斯维加斯。Fischer says Katz showered her and other dancers with gifts, often taking groups of them with him to Las Vegas.

这是一位舞女,珠光宝气,披着淡蓝的斗篷,陶醉于美酒般的青春之中。It was the dancing girl, starred with jewels, clouded with a pale-blue mantle, drunk with the wine of her youth.

亚娜很快成为贾巴最喜欢的舞女。睡不着时,贾巴都会叫她跳抚慰心灵的沙浪芭蕾。Yarna quickly became Jabba's favorite dancer, calling upon her soothing sand-wave ballet when he couldn't sleep.