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他希图逃走。He essayed escape.

但他独自逃走了。But he escaped alone.

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他带着我的钱逃走了。He eloped with my money.

然后我拼了命的逃走。And then I ran like hell.

那名逃兵已经逃走。The deserter has escaped.

他带着我的表逃走了。He got away with my watch.

他拐了那个女孩逃走了。He made off with the girl.

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他像箭一般飞快地逃走了。He ran away like an arrow.

不过他又一次逃走了。Once again, he slipped away.

我猛地把他扯开,逃走了。I plucked him off and escaped.

受惊吓的鱼儿逃走了。The frightened fish fled away.

羔羊遇上狮子自当逃走。Lambs sensibly flee from lions.

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拖住狼群来帮我逃走。Delaying them to help me escape.

他是从一个暗门逃走的。He escaped through a secret door.

他杀逝世了卫兵后匆仓促逃走了。He killed the guard and made away.

门徒都离开他逃走了。And they all forsook him, and fled.

他们是从一根绳子上滑下来逃走的。They escaped by sliding down a rope.

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小偷开着一辆偷来的汽车逃走了。The thieves got away in a stolen car.

当夜大卫逃走,躲避了。That night David made good his escape.

那狗穿过敞着的大门逃走了。The dog escaped through the open gate.