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语气词的范畴选择包含焦点标记词的CP。The mood particle de C-selects a CP containing a Foc.

“了2”用于句末,表示语气,是语气词。But le2 appearing at the end of a sentence is a modal word.

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语气词是汉语的一个重要特征。Modal particle is an important feature of Chinese language.

不同的方言有各自不同的方言语气词系统。Different dialects have their own system of modal particles.

英语中没有相当于汉语语气词的词类。Chinese modal particle has no equivalent part of speech in English.

语气词“呢”在疑问句中是疑问算子吗?。Is the Chinese Particle " Ne " a Question Operator in Wh-questions?

本文讨论情态语气范畴中语气词的功能问题。The paper deals with the function of modal particles in modal category.

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闽南方言语气词系统很有特色。The modal particle system of southern Fujian dialect has special features.

用于正反问句末尾的“没”、“没有”与语气词“么”也有一定的关系。The mood word "Me" also has some relation with the negative "Mei" and "Meiyou".

汉语语气词属功能助词,其语气义是难以捉摸的。Chinese modal particles belong to functional auxiliary words, whose modal meanings are elusive.

句中语气词的使用受语体因素的制约、结构的制约、音节的制约、口气的制约。The usage of modal particle is restricted by colloquial elements, structure, syllable and tone.

感叹语气词则由于所感叹事物或事件的性质不同而具有层级性。The exclamatory modal verbs have hierarchy owing to the differences of things or nature of things.

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在你准备的过程中,录音可以让你发现如何调整自己的声音,如何减少嗯嗯啊啊的等犹豫语气词的使用次数。If you tape it you can see how you sound and work on reducing hesitations and the "ums" and "ahs" you use.

只有在具体语境中语气词才能体现其语用意义,发挥交际功能。Only in context could the pragmatics meaning and the communicative function of the mood word be expressed.

放松上下颌的肌肉,用简短的句子,避免不必要地加插“唔”“啊”等语气词。Relax the muscles of your jaw. Use short sentences. Minimize the use of interjections, such as "um" and "ah.

最后尝试对语气词同现的位序给予解释。Finally, the paper attempts to provide an interpretation of the sequences of modal particles which concurred.

本文以大量语言事实为基础,对临澧方言语气词做了系统描写与初步分析。Firstly, this article makes an approximate description for present situation of modal particle research in Linli dialect.

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通过对岳阳方言的语气词作全面深入的探讨,得出的结论是,岳阳方言中有旧个语气词。Through an overall probe into the Yueyang dialect, this paper draws a conclusion that there are 18 modal particles in it.

第六章为结论,期望透过这些分析与描述,能将海陆客语语气词的轮廓与脉络呈现出来。The sixth chapter is the conclusion that hopes to articulate the system behind Hakka modal particles though this analysis.

文章分析了循化话中语气词的使用特点,并对其形成的原因作了探讨。This paper analyzes the characteristics of mood word's usage in Xunhua dialect, and probes into the its cause of formation.