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我难以从衬衫上洗去印迹。I can not wash out the marks from the shirt.

塔克拉玛干的风卷走了太多的印迹。The footprints blown off by the wind of Talimakan.

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好像莉莉的脖颈间隐隐地真有一条红色的印迹。It seems vaguely there was a red mark in Lily's neck.

收集到的细胞溶解液均进行免疫印迹分析。Cell lysates were collected for Western blot analysis.

可我无法看到那如何指引我来到你身边的每一个印迹。I couldn't see how every sign pointed me straght to you.

在珠孔的更高处,我们也可能找到印迹。We might find pick marks higher in the pin chambers, too.

山茱萸嫩绿色的花蕾镶嵌上了红褐色的印迹。The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings.

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应用蛋白印迹观察其与相关细菌的免疫交叉反应。Western-blotting was used to observe the immune cross reactions.

见证澄江人奋斗历程和幸福印迹。Witness Chengjiang People's Struggle Course And Happiness Marks.

经免疫印迹分析,具有良好的免疫学特异性。Western blot showed the good immunological specificity of the IgY.

如果在印迹上双脚清晰可见,那么你就是平足。If your entire foot is visible in the footprint, you have a flat foot.

在飞虫飞走后不久,印迹就被埋并保存了下来。Soon after the fly flew away, the impression was buried and preserved.

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它们在黑色的火山沙上只留下了小小的鳍状印迹。In the black volcanic sand was left the trails of their tiny fin prints.

目的完善印迹基因在人类种植前胚胎的表达图谱。Objective To perfect gene profile expressed in pre-implantation embryos.

但是我们有必要申请收回允许记录我们生活印迹的权利。But we need to reclaim the right to record our own lives as they proceed.

将重组质粒转染293A细胞,免疫印迹鉴定目的基因的表达情况。Transfect the recombination DNA into 293A and identify the gene expression.

那一轮一轮的印迹,似年年不变的月光,重叠一处。The round of imprinting, like every year invariable moonlight, overlapping a.

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那些深深浅浅的交集,只是一枚不需诠释的岁月印迹!Those deeply shallow intersection, just a without annotation time imprinting!

颜色艳丽,印迹快干,能与进口各品牌光敏印油混用。Glossy colors, dried soon, could be mixed with photosensitive ink of all brands.

最后讨论了用分散聚合制备分子印迹聚合物微球可能存在的一些困难。At the end of the paper , it discuss some possible difficulties in appllica-tion.