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电子管放大器?。VTA? Vacuum Tube Amplifier?

感觉就像我是在一个电子管功放播放。It felt like I was playing on a tube amp.

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真空电子管也要求以直流电压为电源。Vacuum tubes require DC voltage sources as well.

我们需要购买汽车电子管,请与我们联系。We need to buy auto valve . please with contact us.

具有直接或间接加热的阴极的电子管四极管。Tube tetrode with directly or indirectly heated cathode.

电脑显示器的电子管可比小小的灯泡能装多了。A computer tube can hold a lot more gasoline than a lightbulb.

配置真空电子管,输出功率稳定可靠。Configuration vacuum tubes, output power is stable and reliable.

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本文论述晶体管与电子管相比的优点。This paper deals with the advantages of transistors over electron tubes.

电磁波是由一种称为速调管的微波电子管产生的。The electromagnetic wave is produced by microwave tubes called klystrons.

拖到绘图页后,可以添加具有直热式或旁热式阴极的电子管三极管。Drag onto the page to add a tube triode with directly or indirectly heated cathode.

拖到绘图页后,可以添加具有直热式或旁热式阴极的电子管五极管。Drag onto the page to add a tube pentode with directly or indirectly heated cathode.

本文讨论涨落对汤姆生型电子管振荡器的影响。The influence of fluctuation on an auto-oscillation system of Thomson-type is discussed.

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比如说,如果能用‘可控电子管’这种说法,就不要用‘晶体管’。You don’t say ‘transistor’ when you can use ‘controllable electronic valve’—that sort of thing.

自动过流保护系统,增加真空电子管使用寿命,保护模具。Automatic over-current protection system, increase vacuum tubes service life, protect the mould.

这份报告总结了电子管、半导体和元件三方面的一些新成就。This report summed up the new achievement made in electron tubes, semiconductors and components.

速调管一种用速度调节的方法放大或产生超高频率的电子管。An electron tube used to amplify or generate ultrahigh frequency by means of velocity modulation.

在电子管预热前一会,埃维还赶得及说,“明白点事吧,佛雷德。我们以后该怎么办?”In the moment before the tubes warmed up , Evey had tiem to say , “ Wise up , Freddy . What shall we do ?

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电视塔的上一次改造在2002年,设备由电子管更新为晶体管。The last transformation at the tower was done in 2002, when equipment was changed from tube to transistor.

铯遇水发生爆炸性反应,极易与氧化合,因而被用作电子管的吸气剂。It reacts explosively with cold water and is used to scavenge traces of oxygen and other gases in electron tubes.

这些有着一双发现眼睛的人们会被这里的经典电子管海报和手绘广告标语所迷住。Those with an eye for design will be enthralled by the vintage Tube posters and hand-painted advertising slogans.