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说我忘记向你缱绻的爱慰问。Forgot upon your dearest love to call.

拜物,恋山水,缱绻大都会。Fetishism, love mountain and water, miss bigalopolis.

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三月的微风,缱绻慵懒,飘逸轻灵。March breeze, tempting lazy, elegant light and agile.

为什么爱被空间撒成一片,漫漫永夜,只有缱绻。Why love be space and into one, long night, only lingering.

琴声缱绻悠长,没有一丝杂质,纯净如初。Romantic piano finish, without the slightest impurities, pure.

她仍旧渴望拥有婚姻中逝去的那份缱绻和肌肤之亲。She still ached for the lost intimacy and sexual contact of marriage.

请忘了你的疲乏,到梦中与我缱绻,风悄悄安慰我的脸。Please forget your tired, and i 've makin'love, the wind gently soothes my face.

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在漠漠轻寒的夜里,在亘古流淌的风中缱绻、飘溢。In the misty Qinghan the night, in the ancient flowing Embrace in the wind, drift.

她长得真像她父亲加缪,尤其是她眼周嘴角上分明的缱绻和悲伤。She looked like Camus to me, particularly the droopy sad intensity round the eyes and mouth.

或如缱绻时你的那颗泪,滴在我的脸颊,动魄惊心。Or as your tear drop while deeply attached, dripping on my cheek, startling my soul, touching my heart.

人这一辈子,真爱只有一回,而后即便再有如何缱绻的爱情,终究不会再伤筋动骨。The life of a person, only once, then even if how to love, will never be injured in the sinews or bones.

如果白云有意,请带去我对你的爱恋,生生世世都愿和你共缱绻!If graceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tell you Ilove you and would be together with you forever.

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红尘花开的妖娆,渲染一季的缱绻,你回眸的那一刻,一瓣瓣紫色的花朵,翩然如雨。Red bloom of the enchanting, rendering a season to you, at the moment, petals purple flowers, fly like rain.

这样的雨天总有太多的依恋,总是无法从灵魂深处缱绻的情感中走出来。Such a rainy day always has too much attachment, not always from the depths of the soul in the emotion to come out.

百年馨香,六载缱绻,如温润如玉的君子,母校厚重土地的每一缕余韵,都已成为我们一生的记忆。All graduates have been carved with the feel and smell from its century-long land, along with six year's memories, in their lives.

这是一个征战在外不能归的士兵,对妻子分别时誓言的怀念,两情缱绻,海誓山盟,痛彻心扉。This is a campaign can not go out of soldiers, when the vows were on the memory of his wife, two conditions tempting, eachother that broke our hearts.

我阅尽了繁华,饮尽了寂寞,望断了归路,终究回不到两情依依,剪烛西窗的缱绻时光。I read to the bustling, drinking from the lonely, the the way, finally back to the two situation of parting, get together and talk over the romantic times.

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诗人把心中的感伤化成缱绻的诗魂,以柔美含蓄的方式,创造了一个凄美的艺术世界,实现了对残缺人生的超越。Yeats presents us a beautiful artistic world in which the poet subtly conveys his sadness over the loss of love and his transcendent attitude towards life.

诗人把心中的感伤化成缱绻的诗魂,以柔美含蓄的方式,创造了一个凄美的艺术世界,实现了对残缺人生的超越。B. Yeats presents us a beautiful artistic world in which the poet subtly conveys his sadness over the loss of love and his transcendent attitude towards life.

在我的印象中,与其说他是一位画家,不如说是一位溪山行者,或是一位整日以心灵与烟岚云霞相缱绻的新文士。In my impression, he is a landscape traveler rather than a painter, or a new scholar his soul in full day accompanying cloud, mist, sun set glow and mountains.