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因为今天是端午。Becuse today is Dragon Boat Festival.

漳县端午,牧童祀山神。Zhangxian Dragon Boat Festival, cowboy mountain worship.

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第二天一醒,咦,五月端午咋就过去了呢?The very next day wake up, oh, May the dragon boat how past? MS.

平静日子的平静端午,茶谷还是那个茶谷。Calm day's calm Duanwu Festival. The Tea Valley is still that valley.

于是,我飞,心思伴随端午之节气飞!So I fly with the Dragon Boat Festival of the Solar Terms thoughts fly!

因此,民间有“端午黄鳝赛人参”之说。Therefore the public say "Dragon Boat Festival eel better than ginseng".

端午到,挂香包,吃粽子,家家户户真热闹!Dragon Boat Festival that linked Sachet , eating dumplings, every household!

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定襄县端午,学生需致赠节礼给教师。Dingxiang County Dragon Boat Festival, the students need for teachers gifts Boxing.

端午节是在夏天。我吃粽子。这是很好的端午划龙舟。The Dragon Boat Fsetival is in summer. I eating zongzi. It is good to rowing dragon boats.

今天是端午佳节,很多地方都将举行传统龙舟赛。Today is the Dragon Boat Festival and traditional races are being held across the country.

周末、六一假期和端午假期合在一起,就凑成了一个小长假。Weekend, six one holiday and the Dragon Boat Festival together, it became a small holiday.

隰州端午,各村祭龙王,并在田间挂纸。Xi State Dragon Boat Festival, the village festival Longwang and paper hanging in the fields.

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端午到了,送你一个万能“粽”,仅限端午食用。Dragon Boat Festival to give you an omnipotent "Dumplings", only the Dragon Boat Festival food.

新兴县端午,人家各从其邻近庙宇鼓吹迎导神像出巡。Dragon Boat Festival, people close to the temple from its advocacy of statues greet tour guide.

乐山、新津等地端午赛龙舟时,还举行盛大商品交易会。Leshan, Xinjin such as dragon-boat race at the Dragon Boat Festival, also held a grand trade fair.

古代中国人相信端午这一天是不吉利的,因为仲夏即将到来。Ancient Chinese believed the day of Duanwu was unlucky because midsummer was just around the corner.

到第二年的端午,又说“孔乙己还欠十九个钱呢!”During the Dragon Boat Festival the following year, he said again, “Kong Yiji still owes me 19 coppers!”

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终于,今年端午,我和家人,走向了仙马,试图走进一直向往的这座精神家园。Finally, this dragon boat, my family and I, the fairy horse, try to have the spirit into their yearning.

但今年的清明、端午和中秋节都只放假一天。But joining May Day as one-day holidays this year are the Qingming, Dragon Boat and Mid-Autumn festivals.

在这些重日节日里,端午是被人们特别看重的。And they are all the Chinese important festivals, among which the Double-Fifth Festival is the most significant.