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用某一风格设计或者剪裁。A suit of voguish cut.

剪裁很符合你的身材。The cut flatters your figure.

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前胸袋口以纵纹剪裁造出斜格效果。Two front pockets in bias cut.

这件罩衫剪裁得很合身。This is a well-tailored blouse.

我相当于把它们从一整块布料中剪裁来。I made them up out of whole cloth.

这件大衣剪裁得好也做得好。The coat was well cut and well made.

我还记得收看该剪裁的竞争。I remember watching the scissoring competition.

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如果剪裁合身的话,即便是廉价西装也能穿出大牌的感觉。Even a cheap suit can look good if it fits well.

从你衣服的剪裁来看,你读的是牛津一类的学校。By the cut of your suit, you went to Oxford whatever.

这套剪裁讲究的裤装非常适合正式的会议。This tailored pantsuit is perfect for formal meetings.

这种衣料在剪裁时非常容易磨损。This dress material frays very quickly when you cut it.

高腰式剪裁,完全包住且自然服贴于腹部不滑落。High waist cutting and comfortable affixed to the abdomen.

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剪裁过程也是朝正确方向前进的一个步骤。The pruning process is also a step to the right direction.

图像经过剪裁和进行增强处理来提高对比度。The image has been cropped and enhanced to improve contrast.

贴身的腿部剪裁下摆有弹性约束力。Close-fitting leg has a cropped hem with elasticized binding.

我把帷幔剪裁后,制作出了类似于手提袋的东西。I cut them up, and concocted something that resembles a tote bag.

这所学校的所有学生都穿着剪裁独特、款式相同的服装。All students in this school wear similarly unconventionally-cut suits.

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上海哪有卖肚兜式剪裁的泳衣啊???。Which has Shanghai to sell the swimsuit that bellyband style cuts? ? ?

当沿单方向剪裁图像时保留图像特性。Keeps the features of the image while rescaling along a single direction.

我的是宽松剪裁。这是那种穿来在家里东晃西晃的裤子。Well, mine are baggy. They're the kind of pants you can lounge around in.