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预习我们的第一个单字小测。Prepare for our first vocab quiz.

他教过我如何拼这个单字。He taught me how to spell the word.

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这条片语可在哪个单字下查到?。What word does this phrase come under?

再来的就是我们的重点单字了!The followings are our key vocabularies!

学习英语并非仅是死记一连串的单字。English isn't just a list of English words.

注意,表单字段的名称很古怪。Notice the obfuscated names of the form fields.

努力把这些英语单字和片语记住。Try to learn by heart these english word and phrases.

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任何单字或词汇,例如不删或完全删除。Any word or phrase, such as stet or strike-down. means.

宝琳试著一个音节一个音节地念出那个单字。Pauline tried to pronounce the word one syllable at a time.

深入研究就是体验新单字的最好方法。Deeper research is an excellent way to experience new vocab.

会读诵水果韵文,并复习颜色的单字。Being able to chant fruits and review vocabularies of colors.

而“棒棒糖”这个字是用右手打最长的一个单字。And "lollipop" is the longest word typed with your right hand.

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什麽单字拼出来有五个字母,但拿走两个后却只剩下一个?。What five-letter word has only one left once you take two away?

你能否从以下的字母拼图中圈出以上的英文单字?。Can you circle all the vocabulary words in the word puzzle below?

同时去读和听那些单字片语,可使其铭记于心。Both seeing and hearing words and phrases fixes them in your mind.

单单字加拿大就有将近50支龙舟队伍,德国则有近30个。Canada alon has narly 50 dragon boat tams and Grmany has narly 30.

他坐火车去上学的时候,他在车上记英文单字。He memorizes new English words while he rides the train to school.

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这些表单字段允许您将变量和字段联系起来。These form fields allow you to associate variables with the field.

“女空服员”这个字是单用左手打字最长的一个单字。" Stewardesses " is the longest word typed with only the left hand.

在第五和第六级,单字测验是以听力为主。At Levels 5 and 6, the Vocabulary test measures listening vocabulary.