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在冬天,整个大地都覆盖着白皑皑地雪。In winter, white snow covers the whole earth.

壁仞千山,铁黑的岩体,白皑皑的雪。Wall Maninsan mountain, black rock, the white snow.

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广东来的那个男孩看到白皑皑的雪很是惊讶。The boy from Guangdong was amazed at the white snow.

白皑皑的浪花有规律的拍打着海岸。White-crested waves slap the beach with rhythmic regularity.

里里外外,白皑皑一片。一整个星期天空都灰蒙蒙。White everywhere on ground, grey occupied the sky for a whole week.

他的头顶、眉骨及瘦削的下巴上,都覆盖着白皑皑的寒霜。A frosty rime was on his head, and on his eyebrows, and his wiry chin.

白皑皑的雪化成了水滴,而水滴则一点点的被焦黄色的土地吸收掉。Snow-snow into water droplets, while the drop is a little bit of land has been absorbed coke yellow.

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它是老人们回忆起白皑皑的童年岁月时日渐昏花的眼中所闪现出的一幕幕甜蜜的往事。It is the street gloss of memory in the failing eyes of the old as they recall the white days as childhood.

越过眼前土黄色的山丘,隐约已经可以看见远处雪峰的白皑皑的峰顶。Looks over the ocher-yellow massif, the pure-white peaks of the snow mountains have come into view indistinctly.

把喧闹的城市街区抛在身后,沿着白皑皑的公路前往山岗。There is a wonderful joy in leaving behind the noisy city streets and starting out along the white road that leads across the hills.

扎哈尔的黑色的雪橇在白皑皑的雪地上还可以看得清楚,但是它已经驶到很远的前方去了,低沉的铃声也渐渐隔远了。Zahar's sledge could be distinctly seen, black against the white snow, a long way ahead now, and its deep-toned bell seemed to be getting further away.

一个穿皮大衣的男人站在克拉姆街四楼自家的阳台上,下面是采令格尔喷泉和白皑皑的街道。A man in a long leather coat stands on his fourth-floor balcony on Kramgasse overlooking the Zahringer Fountain and the white street below. To the east, he can see the fragile steeple of St.