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她的思路很清楚。She thinks very clearly.

让我再说明一下,那是一个一般性的思路。That's the general idea.

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大家都跟上我思路了没Everyone following me so far?

但如果转换思路,也不妨做成泡菜。But for a change, make a pickle.

大致有两种思路There are two schools of thought.

其实他们的思路是有问题的Well, they're not thinking right.

那正是他的思路。Right, that's what he's getting at.

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这个思路同样适用于博卡·戈德法布。The same applied to Bomka Goldfarb.

阿西莫夫写过一本思路与之类似的书。Isaac Asimov wrote a book on the idea.

你不可能拥有所有的思路。You can't have all these open threads.

开阔了橡胶模具设计思路。Widened the rubber mold design mentality.

我知道解这道题的思路。I know the way of working out the problem.

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你得先把你的思路理顺。You should straighten up your ideas first.

这个思路听起来很有道理So that's a pretty good piece of reasoning.

大家都跟上这个思路了吗Does everyone follow that line of reasoning?

可能会有新的想法、思路。Jolts to your routine will lead to new ideas.

我们梳理一下作者的思路。Let's remind ourselves what's been happening.

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这是一个有效的思路It's just a useful way of thinking about things.

你可以把想要学习新领域的思路写在上面。On it you can write ideas for new areas of study.

那经理思路“敏捷”、彬彬有礼地作了答复。The manager replied with promptness and courtesy.