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她现年一百二十二岁。She is 122 years old.

我现年廿三岁。I am twenty-three years old.

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她祖父现年90岁,仍很健康。Her grandfather is a healthy 90.

班德拉斯现年49岁,生于西班牙马拉加。Banderas, 49, was born in Malaga, Spain.

马金尼斯现年72岁,是上院议员。Maginnis, 72, is the upper house members.

任先生现年66岁,很少接受采访。Mr. Ren, now 66, rarely grants interviews.

现年53岁的拉贾拉特南将面临20年监禁。Rajaratnam, 53, now faces 20 years in prison.

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现年47岁的吉林是北京市常务副市长。Ji, 47, is the executive vice-mayor of Beijing.

她现年八十五岁,曾三度丧夫。She's eighty-five and has buried three husbands.

现年77岁的郭佩珍,精神矍铄。Kwok Pui Chun, now 77 years old, hale and hearty.

犯罪嫌疑人宫润伯现年33岁,本地人。The suspect, Gong Runbo, 33, grew up in the town.

现年48岁的林先生从小就一直住在富冈。Mr. Lin, 48, has lived in since childhood Tomioka.

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现年54岁的尾西健还将兼任日航首席运营官.Onishi, 54, will double as chief operating officer.

现年62岁的博尔登此前曾4次飞入太空。The 62-year-old Bolden traveled into orbit 4 times.

特里奥现年32岁,在法国M6电视台工作。The 32-year-old is working for French TV station M6.

美国银行董事会目前仍然支持现年62岁的刘易斯。The board thus far has supported the 62-year-old Mr.

据了解,现年53岁的李昶停职后将面临调查。Li Chang, 53, was suspended pending an investigation.

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现年29岁的波拉梅鲁称自2000年以来就没有剪过发。Polamalu, 29, says he has not cut his hair since 2000.

万扎现年41岁,一共生了7个孩子,15岁生了第一个。Wanza, 41, gave birth to the first of seven at age 15.

她的男友刘建浩是香港富商之子,现年34岁。Lau, 34, is the son of a wealthy Hong Kong businessman.