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次日,月氏入侵突厥。The next day, Yuezhi invasion of turkic.

他们是俄罗斯人口最多的突厥语民族。They are Russia's most populous Turkic peoples.

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顾小五亲自上阵杀敌,突厥全军履灭。Gu five personally to kill, destroy Turkic army.

塞尔柱突厥人起源于突厥民族乌古斯部落。Seljuq Turks originated from the tribe of Oghuz.

突厥被灭,原是他与月氏联合。The Turks destroyed, he was with the Yuezhi united.

维吾尔人所说的突厥语。Of or relating to Turkic or the peoples who speak Turkic.

维吾尔人是讲突厥语的中国回教徒少数民族。The Uighurs are a Turkic-speaking Chinese Muslim minority.

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最后,他们两个带领军队打败了突厥。At length, they two leaded the procession and beated the Turki.

大约在550年至630年间,哈扎尔人仍处在西突厥帝国的统治之下。From about 550 to 630, the Khazars were ruled by the K?k Turks.

突厥、回鹘语言属阿尔泰语系突厥语族。Turk, the Uighur language of the Altai language Turkic languages.

而人出自何年代,众说纷纭,估计是古代突厥所为。And people from Ho's, opinion, is estimated by the ancient Turkic.

突厥语族群所信仰的佛教主要是由内地传入的。Buddhism believed by Turki is mainly introduced from China mainland.

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追溯了泛突厥主义发展的历史。The development course of Pan-Turkism has been traced in the thesis.

古代突厥文是历史上操突厥语诸民族最早使用的一种文字。Old Turkic script is the earliest writing used by the Turkic peoples.

北京的这些突厥穆斯林居住的地区被称作‘缠头寺’。The part of Peking where these Turkish Moslems live is called Chintusze.

在这些人员及物质流动的过程中,突厥文化与靺鞨文化发生接触,并相互渗透。The culture of Tujue and Mohe began to influence each other in this process.

回回在他们的宗教信仰上比突厥穆斯林更严格。The Tungans were stricter than the Turkish Muslims in their religious worship.

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使用乌孜别克语,属阿尔泰语系突厥语族西匈奴语支。The use of Uzbek language belongs to Altaic Turkic language branch, West Huns.

所以,这个突厥—穆斯林帝国并非怀古的对象,而是政治的目标。So this Turko-Islamic Empire isn't an object of nostalgia, but a political project.

所以,这个突厥—穆斯林帝国并非怀古的对象,而是政治的目标。So this Turko-Islamic Empire isn’t an object of nostalgia, but a political project.