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我弟弟的脾气很暴躁,常惹是生非。My brother is ill-tempered, and always stirs up trouble.

他对权威的不敬使他成了一个惹是生非的刺儿头。His irreverence for authority marks him out as a troublemaker.

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我也一直试着不去惹是生非,所以他们也省事了。I’ve always tried to stay out of trouble so they never have to.

一名官员把这一惹是生非的邻居称作“被宠坏的孩子”。One official calls the troublesome neighbour a “spoiled child”.

我弟弟的脾气很暴躁,常喜欢在外面惹是生非。My brother is ill-tempered , and likes to stir up trouble outside.

我心目中的理想室友是一个性情平和﹐不惹是生非的人。My ideal housemate would be someone who is laid-back and drama-free.

我到处惹是生非的小混蛋女儿害怕采一丁点的血?。My badass, action figure daughter is afraid to draw a teensy little drop of blood.

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一定爱打老婆孩子。或者平日里常常惹是生非。Certain love dozen wife kid. Perhaps in normal times inside's usually asking for be to living not.

但你也必须始终小心,因为Twitter也是惹是生非的地方,甚至经常也是恶毒的,当然也是诽谤的。You still have to be careful because Twitter is mischievous and often poisonous and certainly defamatory.

她把这些犯罪归咎于当地无业青少年。她总是说,“游手好闲者,惹是生非人”。She blamed the crimes on the local jobless teenagers.‘The devil makes work for idle hands,’ she would say.

你愿意看到自己心爱的球队变成坏孩子军团到处惹是生非吗?Would you want to see your favorite team channel their inner Bad-Boy and risk whatever consequences may follow?

在那里,我迷上了店里的魔术,却一次也没用过那副牌---比起惹是生非,我更多只是爱恶作剧。I got hooked on magic at the store and never used the cards — I was more of a practical joker than a troublemaker.

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她的确有道理——他们已经失去了12个儿子,片子一开始,宋世杰帮助一个惹是生非的人脱罪后,他们又失去了第13个儿子。She has a point — they've lost 12 sons, and when Sung helps out a troublemaker early in the movie, they lose No. 13.

在科雷利亚星系救了埃瓦赞医生一命后,庞达就跟这个惹是生非的杀人狂共事。Ponda teamed up with trouble-magnet Dr. Evazan after saving the life of the homicidal maniac in the Corellian system.

即使他们的存在仅仅是劝阻扒手和那些爱惹是生非的醉鬼们不再生事,我仍会献上我最诚挚的感谢。If their mere presence discourages pickpockets and confrontational drunks from acting up, then I offer my sincerest thanks.

这个片断中,青年女巫队伍中令人讨厌的女生被施加魔法变成了“对新鲜事物敏感且有见识的女生“,她让学校里那帮惹是生非的家伙们留下了深刻印象。In this scene, the geeky friend of the teen witch is magically transformed in to a “hip chick” so she can impress the school badass.

宵禁的目的是让人尽可能少上街,这样一来,警察就能专心对付惹是生非的家伙。The aim would be to keep as many people off the street as possible to allow police to concentrate on picking off the trouble-makers.

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你们两个都是靠不住的,惹是生非的,天职的恶棍,你们的主要动机就是自私的野心,又危险又无聊。You two are restless, meddling, imprudent scoundrels, whose chief motive-principle is selfish ambition , as dangerous as it is puerile.

国家媒体以迅雷不及掩耳之势将开罗的反政府示威者描绘成了非法的惹是生非者,并轻描淡写了他们造成的影响。The state-owned media were quick to portray Cairo’s anti-government demonstrators as lawless troublemakers and played down their impact.

一干政客似乎长期惹是生非,且想当然地认为法国懦弱的司法系统永远不可能起作用。A class of politicians seems to have been up to no good for a long period of time, and to have assumed that the timorous French justice system would never act.