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但是到2009年,默克尔拿什么来自卖自夸呢?What will Ms Merkel boast in 2009?

她认为,在一些圆滑的营销活动推助下,商学院过分自卖自夸。It is oversold by business schools with slick marketing campaigns.

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全然一副“王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸”的姿态。Perfect a pair " king mother-in-law sells melon, blow one's own trumpet " attitude.

如果您的那种人谁拥有的时间,使自卖自夸糕饼从零开始,我想你的生活。If you're the sort of person who has the time to make puff pastry from scratch, I want your life.

“伤心时最好的事,”Merlyn自卖自夸的回答道,“就是可以学到许多东西。"The best thing for being sad, " replied Merlyn, beginning to puff and blow, "is to learn something.

用不着让他提什么建议,他总好王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸。There was no use asking him to give any suggestion. he would always brag that there was nothing like leather.

在注意到我和朋友好奇地打量狗肉的时候,摊主便执意对其自卖自夸。The stallholders insistently extol the virtues of the latter when they notice me and my friend looking on curiously.

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不要自卖自夸,只需让上司知道你完成过什么项目,策划过什么活动,取得过哪些战绩。Without bragging or boasting, let him or her know what projects, activities and sales you have already accomplished in your life.

起飞后不久,在海拔约50英尺,是一个不祥的自卖自夸烟雾信号开始解体火箭。Shortly after liftoff, at an altitude of some 50 feet, an ominous puff of smoke signals the beginning of the breakup of the rocket.

单边主义气体罢工内,当活塞出来的,它妨碍气体的影响,到充气机,有效地提高了自卖自夸的效果。Unilateralism gas strike inside, when piston comes out, it prevents the gas influences into the inflator, which improve puff effect.

你需要钱以开创你的生意,不去自卖自夸,反而问“你到底为何要投资我们的企业”是很少见的。You need the money to build your business and it's not the most natural thing to stop selling and say "exactly why do you want to invest in our business?"

在推荐、介绍过程中,对汽车销售人员的汽车推荐、介绍说明产生怀疑是客户本能的反应。客户会认为是王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸”。In the process of introduction, the skepticism of the customers is natural response and they would regard what we are talking is out of touch with the reality.

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对那些充满敌意的灵魂来说,即使没有更多他这样的人,布鲁姆也足够地自然不做作了。但是,把阅读当作一种自卖自夸的观念是很肤浅的。There are those malicious souls for whom Bloom is quite enough himself without there being even more of him, but the notion of reading as a kind of self-entrepreneurship is plain enough.