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把它揉成一个个小球。Roll the dough into small balls.

一个蝙蝠粪和硫磺小球。A tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur.

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把这块粘土压缩成一个小球。Compress this clay into a small ball.

问题是,小球会怎样飞出来The question is, "What happens to it?"

它源于小球与容器壁的碰撞?For instance, if I have, what is pressure?

你的刺猬可能会绻成一个小球。Your hedgehog may huff or roll into a ball.

你注意力一旦分散,小球就会下降。Break your concentration and the ball descends.

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小心鳄鱼并记得抓取美味的橡胶小球!Watch out for alligators and grab yummy gumdrops!

小球用绳子系于转盘上。And the ball is attached to that disc with string.

用手滚成小球,然后在多余的椰子粉里再滚一下。Roll into small balls and roll into extra coconut.

压力下小球的熔化状态、及破坏状态。Molten-Globule and Collapsed States under Pressure.

用鸭柱与一小球合玩的滚木球游戏。A bowling game played with such pins and a small ball.

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小球燃料被放进袋子中,每袋重量为20-40磅。The pellets are put into bags that weigh 20-40 pounds.

小球蟒愿意吃半大老鼠。Baby ball pythons will feed readily on half-grown mice.

由毛线织成的毛衣易起小球。Sweaters made of wool yarns may have a tendency to pill.

一个小男孩把小球拿给小洋娃娃看。The little boy shows the little ball to the little doll.

今天早上,我那漂亮的金色小球滚进了池塘里。This morning, my lovely golden ball rolled into the pond.

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没有支撑,为什么小球会自己悬浮在空中?Why the ball is suspended in the air without any support?

俯卧,用脚踝夹住小球。Lie flat on your stomach with the ball between your ankles.

但是真正精妙的地方还在于小球是如何制作的。The really clever bit, though, is how the spheres are made.