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在工业革命之前的货物运输中转站。The freight station of the pre-revolutionary time.

归根到底,工业革命远未完结。After all, the industrial revolution is far from finished.

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英国工业革命开始在皇家船坞。Britain's industrial revolution began in the royal dockyards.

早在工业革命时代,工作场所一般没有钟表。Early in the industrial revolution, workplaces typically had no clocks.

工业革命让我们的经济以几何级数增长。The industrial revolution allowed our economies to expand exponentially.

工业革命是指约1760年开始的一系列变革。The Industrial Revolution is a long train of changes starting about 1760.

工业革命改变了英国社会的整体结构。The industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English society.

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这不仅导致了工业革命,也导致了政治和社会的变迁。This led not only to industrial changes but shifts in politics and society.

19世纪,工业革命开启了批量生产的大门。The industrial revolution ushered in factory-made cards in the 19th century.

工业革命改变了世界。据此回答4—6题。The industrial revolution changed the world. 4-6 to answer questions accordingly.

这跟工业革命以来我们所认知的一切是截然不同的。This is completely different than what we've seen since the Industrial Revolution.

工业革命的故事,说穿了,就是一个控制权斗争的故事。The story of industrial revolutions, after all, is a story of battles over control.

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Holderness表示,中国的农业生产巩固了工业革命。Holderness said China's agricultural production underpins its industrial revolution.

这必将是一场新的工业革命,不仅对于中国,对于全世界也是如此。It will, and must, be a new industrial revolution, not just for China, but the world.

这一个章节已经审查部份在工业革命成功的案例。This chapter has examined several cases of partially-successful industrial revolutions.

协定的目标是以工业革命前水平为参照,将全球气候变暖控制在2摄氏度以内。The agreement aims to limit global warming to less than 2 C above pre-industrial levels.

作为工业革命的结果,英国到1830年止成为世界工潮。As a result of the industrial revolution, Britain was by 1830 the"workshop of the world".

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作为工业革命的结果,英国到1830年止成为“世界工场”。As a result of the industrial revolution, Britain was by 1830 the “workshop of the world”.

简而言之,中国的工业革命在规模上会引起恐惧,但在。China's industrial revolution, in short, is awe-inspiring in scale but not unique in form.

试述第二次工业革命,并探讨其对劳动力之意涵。Describe the Second Industrial Revolution and discuss its implications for the labor force.