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番石榴是一种热带水果,营养异常丰富,和任何其他健康果蔬相比都毫不逊色。Guava is a tropical super fruit.

产树胶的树生长在热带地区。Gum trees grow in tropical areas.

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热带地区出产甘美的水果。Tropical zones breed luscious fruits.

西洋樱草生长于热带国家吗?。Does cowslip grow in tropic countries?

在1943年,他开始在联合国工作,战后他在印度尼西亚工作,1954年他死于热带病。He died of a tropical disease in 1954.

地球上的热带地区物种繁多。The earth's tropics teem with species.

热带的酷热烤晒着海岸。The tropical heat blistered the coast.

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热带集权国家具有欺骗性。Tropical totalitarianism is deceptive.

贝里尔被热带小虫咬伤而瘫痪。Beryl was paralysed by a tropical worm.

热带植物在温室里茁壮生长。Tropical plants thrive in a greenhouse.

老天,我用小天的名义请求你,请你让我热带正常。Why I not do that . You know , my dear.

风暴正受副热带高压脊的影响。The storm is under the influence of STR.

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热带的太阳整日灼晒着我们。The tropic sun glared down on us all day.

天津华恒祥电热带科技有限公司。Tianjin Science and Technology Co. , Ltd.

巴西是热带气候,正如那些国家一样。Brazil's climate is tropical, like theirs.

我将在热带阳光下晒一周。I'll have a week to bake in the tropical sun.

释迦是一种中等大小的热带水果。Sugar apple is a medium-sized tropical fruit.

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从寒带到热带都有分布。From the frigid to tropical have distribution.

在热带地区可以看到美丽的落日余晖。He brisked up his pace at the beautiful sight.

爱斯基摩人不适于在热带生活。Eskimo is ill-fitted for living in the tropics.