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先说说鱼尾纹的形成吧。The formation that says piscine end grain first.

怎样才能去除黑眼圈、眼袋和鱼尾纹呢!How ability purify black rim of the eye, pouch and piscine end grain!

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结果就是皱纹或眼角鱼尾纹,会暂时性的消失。Consequently the wrinkles, or crow's feet, they cause temporarily disappear.

我好老了。你看那个鱼尾纹,它们比以前更明显了。I am old now. Look at the crow's-feet. They are clearer than they used to be.

眼窝大小、外形的变化会招致抬头纹以及鱼尾纹。The changes in eye-socket size and shape may contribute to forehead wrinkles and crow's feet.

眼窝大小、形状的变化会导致抬头纹以及鱼尾纹。The changes in eye-socket size and shape may contribute to forehead wrinkles and crow's feet.

他们审视我时,黯淡空茫的眼睛边上积起淡淡的鱼尾纹。When they scrutinized me, faint crows feet gathered at the corners of their dull and va-cant eyes.

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眼睛最能出售您的年齿,讲笑间暗暗爬上眼角的鱼尾纹,借有微微下垂狄综。The eye can sell your age, laughing quietly climbed up the crow's feet, and slightly drooping eyes.

有效消除鱼尾纹、眼袋、黑眼圈和防止唇部干裂,给予特别滋润。Effectively remove crow's-feet , pouches, black circles, prevent lips from dryness and moisturize skin.

每天咀嚼口香糖5-20分钟,可使面部鱼尾纹减少,面色红润。Chew everyday chewing gum 5-20 minute, can make grain of facial fish end decreases, complexion is ruddy.

鸡骨去鱼尾纹皮肤缺少了弹性纤维就易形成鱼尾纹。One, gallinaceous bone goes piscine end grain The skin lacked stretch fiber to form piscine end grain easily.

超强抗衰去皱,对所有表情纹,如笑纹,鱼尾纹,八字纹等有持续,稳定,明显功效。Super anti aging and wrinkle products, aims to face line such as laugh line, crow's-feet, eight character line.

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一张通过数码后期制作增加了鱼尾纹——眼睛周围小皱纹——的相片,得到了“幸福”感觉的最高评分。One digitally-altered picture added crows’ feet — tiny wrinkles around the eyes — and received high ratings for “happiness.”

皱纹、鱼尾纹、乌眼圈、眼周单调及眼袋战眼皮浮肿的症状。其性量和顺,相宜。Wrinkles, crow's-feet, black eye, eye week dry and blepharoplasty and eyelid dropsy symptoms. Its nature is gentle, suitable for.

祛除鱼尾纹,颈纹、减浅皱纹细纹、提升拉紧皮肤、恢复拉紧皮肤、恢复弹性嫩滑、调节喑哑肤色。Remove crow 's-feet. , cervical stripe , reduce wrinkles and fine lines. , ascending taut skin. , restore elasticity smooth. , adjust skin dumb.

眼睑整容术是最为常见的整形手术之一,用于消除眼部的鱼尾纹和皮肤松弛,使脸部看上去更加年轻。Eyelid surgery is one of the most common cosmetic procedures, used to get rid of crows' feet around the eyes and sagging to make the face appear younger.

迅速减少的水平线的前额的外观,眉毛之间的垂直线,鱼尾纹,和周围的嘴表情纹。Quickly diminishes the appearance of horizontal lines on the forehead, vertical lines between the brows, crow's feet, and expression lines around the mouth.

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勾画时以“鱼尾纹”的高低曲直来反映年龄,用“法令纹”的上下开合来表现气质,用“印堂纹”的不同图案象征人物性格。Opera face can present the age by lines of their eyes, and to express their temperament by ukase, and using their impression to present different characters.

一旦我们过了某个年龄段,在下眼睑上用黑色眼线笔画眼线,以及在下睫毛上涂黑色的睫毛膏会使眼睛出现黑眼圈和鱼尾纹。Lining the lower lids with dark pencil and coating the lower lashes with dark mascara can bring out under-eye circles and crow’s feet once we’re past a certain age.

因为咀嚼能锻炼面部肌肉,改善面部的血液循环,增强面部细胞的新陈代谢功能,使鱼尾纹逐渐消退。Because mastication can exercise facial muscle, improve facial haemal circulation, enhance the metabolic function of facial cell, make piscine end grain gradually subsidise.