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祝您吉祥如意。I wish you luck.

踢踢兔脚,吉祥如意。Playing rabbit feet, good luck.

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祝您在新的一年里吉祥如意,心想事成!Luck and success in the coming year!

大家都希望今年能够吉祥如意,招财进宝。We all hope that this year can wealth.

感谢您们!祝大家吉祥如意,合家欢乐!Thanks! Good luck and happiness to you!

祝您在新的一年里吉祥如意,心想事成!All the best wishes to you in your new job.

恭祝农历己丑牛年新春吉祥如意!Happy Spring Festival of Lunar Jichou Ox Year!

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祝您羊年吉祥如意,如意吉祥!I wish you luck and flexibly during good luck!

愿天下的母亲健康长寿,吉祥如意!Best wishes to every mother in all over the world!

佛光普照,事事顺利,吉祥如意,幸福平安。Buddha illuminates, safe and happy. Paradise on death.

我希望新年能比去年更为吉祥如意。I hope that next year will be luckier than the last one.

新年就有新的希望,吉祥如意团团围绕。New Year has the new hope, prosperity completely around.

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大家都希望今年能够吉祥如意,招财进宝。Everyone hopes this year to luck and a thriving business.

在我动身的时候,祝我吉祥如意吧,我的朋友们。At this time of my parting, wish me good luck, my friends!

扎西德勒是藏族的问候语,它的意思是“吉祥如意”。Tashi delek is the Tibet an greeting . It means "good luck".

如意金银条头部为祥云造型,称为“吉祥如意”。Wishful bullion style head for the clouds, known as "good luck."

送你一个在中国象征吉祥如意的中国结!I presented you with a Chinese knot which symbolizes auspicious wishes!

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寓意盛世太平、吉祥如意、富贵绵延、圆圆满满。It implies the meaning of peace, auspiciousness, wealth and perfection.

名字是否吉祥如意也是个大事,取名本身也算是门艺术了。Auspiciousness also enters into the choosing of names, an art in itself.

佛光普照,事事顺利,吉祥如意,幸福平安。Buddha illuminates, everything goes well , has good luck, happy and safe.