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法律就是用来钻空子的。Laws are made to be broken.

第二,新的资本准则必须让银行很难钻空子。Second, the new capital regime must be harder to game.

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而与此同时,激进分子正在钻空子。And meanwhile, the militants are taking full advantage.

唯一的例外应该是对那些你认为打算钻空子占便宜的顾客。The only exceptions should be customers who you think are scamming the system.

即使大多数用户都不会这样做,但某个恶意的人却可以钻空子。Granted, for most users this will not happen, but a malicious one could slip through.

可是现在,法律进步了,但还是有那么多钻空子的人。Now, the laws have improved, but there are still a lot of people looking for loopholes.

于是一些不法分子就钻空子,在奶液中添加三聚氰胺,误导为“蛋白精”。As a result a number of lawless elements to be abused in the milk added to melamine, misleading "protein fine."

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现在需要的是让逃税者无法在国家之间钻空子的国际协议。What is needed is another round of international agreements so they cannot play one government off against another.

这家公司利用合同中的不完善之处来钻空子,令它的合作方很不满。This company exploits the loopholes in the imperfect parts of the contract, causing its partner great dissatisfaction.

干吗我容忍那么差劲的服务?干吗容忍功能只有几年寿命的电脑?干吗让这些公司钻空子?干吗让客服人员捡便宜。Why do I put up with bad service and PCs that function for only a few years, letting companies cut corners and people?

但是这种政府补贴、规模驱动式的成长模式—越大即越好—会产生一个极易被投机行为钻空子的经济体。But this subsidized, scale-driven growth model—where bigger is always better—makes for an economy dangerously prone to speculation.

但多数人担心雇主会拒绝这些义务,而中国的松懈的监管系统会让他们钻空子。But most workers fear employers would renege on these obligations, and that China's shoddy regulatory system would let them get away with it.

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尽管Peiris团队在使用演算法时试图避免此类错误,但这特征本身总有机会钻空子。Although Peiris's group calibrated its algorithm to avoid such mistakes, there is always the chance that the features could have a more mundane origin.

消息人士称,新方案也是为了加强以前地区各群体能够钻空子的第二方和第三方供应商会计核算办法。The new program is also meant to tighten accounting measures of second and third party vendors, an area various groups had previously been able to exploit, the source said.

但是,如果系统能接受一个听起来象“病人”一样类似的声音,则会给那些适当模仿系统有效用户的声音的攻击者钻空子。However, if the system will accept a similar voice that sounds "sick," then it's more likely to fall prey to attackers who can reasonably mimic the voice of valid users of the system.

如果岗位补贴的实施在国会延迟,或者为防止钻空子而手续繁琐,那么补贴支出可能不及时,没有效果。If enactment of the job subsidy is delayed in Congress, or if procedures for preventing the gaming of the program are cumbersome, the subsidy expenditures may come too late to do any good.

为了钻空子获取这种天然资源,可可种植园散布在森林各处,或是位于非裔奴隶后代聚居的村庄附近,或是位于寮屋移民聚居的公园附近。A loophole for this nature reserve allows cacao haciendas to dot the forest, near villages populated by descendants of African slaves and near poor migrants who live in squatter villages in the park.