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没有能像我们一样自我批评的俱乐部。No other club is self-critical like us.

我们应该实行批评与自我批评。We should practice criticism and selfcriticism.

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用定期的和正面的自我交流取代自我批评。Replace self-cricism with regular, positive self-talk.

随后就是认输,做一点自我批评。Later they admit defeat and do a little self-criticism.

这种自我批评有效的制止你不敢前进。That type of self criticism is significantly deterring.

这里有七种需要听到你说出来的自我批评Here Are 7 Things Your Inner-Critic Needs To Hear You Say

抑郁和自我批评是当然的好伙伴。Depression and self-criticism, of course, are great companions.

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自我批评总能让人相信,自我表扬则不然。Self-criticism can the people believe but not to self-recognition.

自我批评总能让人相信,自我表扬则不然。Always people believe that self-criticism, self-recognition is not.

自我批评总能让人相信,自我表扬则不然。People always believe that self-criticism, self-recognition is not.

用鼓励和激励取代自我批评。Replace self-criticism with encouragement and motivating inspiration.

说实话,你说的好像是对美国的“恐怖”的自我批评不存在一样。Honestly, you talk as itself-criticism of US creepiness does not exist.

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你内心深处的第一个反应是自我批评。The first response of your inner voice is to start being self-critical.

随后就是认输,做一点自我批评。Afterwards, they have to admit defeat and make an unserious self-criticism.

网易能坚持不停的开展批评与自我批评实属不易!!!NetEase can insist incessant criticism and self-criticism was not easy! ! !

自我批评,就如日光、空气和水一样对我们重要。Self-criticism to us is as important as sunshine, air and water. -----V. J.

分手后,一不留神就容易做事后自我批评,或批评做出的抉择。After a breakup, it's all too easy to second-guess yourself and your choices.

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批评与自我批评是必要的,因为能帮助我们改正错误。Critism and selfcritism is necessary in that it helps us to correct our mistakes.

反躬自省,自我批评是我们完善推想坚定信念的一种手段。Critical reflection is one means by which we work through beliefs and assumptions.

他认为,这种幽默可能会提醒别人要自我批评。He proposes that it may remind others of their own tendency toward self-criticism.