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“我直到十一岁都目不识丁,”她告诉我。“I was illiterate until I was eleven, ” she told me.

那些目不识丁的毛拉也会在中国的工厂里像奴隶一样工作。The illiterate mullahs will work as slaves in chinese factories.

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把—个大家闺秀嫁给了目不识丁的农夫。这种事情称为“一朵鲜花插在了牛粪上”。This kind of thing is called " a flower is inserted on cow dung ".

他们当中除了那个目不识丁的执事,没有一个乡绅。There is not among them an esquire, saving the unlettered magistrate.

两个目不识丁的女人都把眼睛盯着这张宝贝字帖。The two women, neither of whom could read, studied the precious slip of paper.

由于贫穷,父亲没有受过教育,几乎是目不识丁。Because of poverty father had no schooling and almost didn't know a B from a battledore.

由于贫穷,父亲没有受过教育,简直是目不识丁。Because of poverty father had no schooling and almost didn't know a B from a battledore.

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哈桑是什叶派穆斯林,是被压迫的哈扎拉人,目不识丁,勇敢正直。Hassan is a Shiite Muslim, is the oppressed hazra, courage and integrity, couldn't read.

换句话说,像方先生这样聪明,是喜欢目不识丁的笨女人。In other words, someone as intelligent as Mr. Fang would prefer a stupid, illiterate woman.

目不识丁,婚后不久生了一男一女、男为马占山。Illiterate, and gave birth soon after marriage a man and a woman, man and for the MA Zhan-shan.

新加坡的中国人都是来自广东和福建的目不识丁无田无地约贫苦农民的后裔。The Chinese in Singapore were the descendants of illiterate, landless, peasants from Guangdong and Fujian.

这首诗向我们介绍了拉图尔这样一位“目不识丁的粗人”,他“直呼穷人为穷人,而非‘社会权益受剥夺者’。”The poem introduces us to Mr. Latour, "an illiterate boor" who "calls poor people poor instead of underprivileged.

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当我们的祖先把美国全部事业托付给一批目不识丁的农民时,我怀疑他们在想什么。I wonder what our forefathers were thinking when they entrusted the whole American enterprise to a bunch of illiterate farmers.

政府希望,在一半印度人目不识丁、另一半几乎漠不关心的情况下,没有人会发现区别。The government hoped that with half of India illiterate, and most of the other half ignorant, nobody would know the difference.

何谓目不识丁等,由法庭藉一个判例界定清楚,有助迷债事主了解其处境。These are points of law. It would help minibond victims to assess their own situations for the court to determine such questions in a judgment.

加缪的母亲沉默寡言、目不识丁,她和家人共同抚养两个儿子,住在阿尔及利亚的一套小公寓里,没有厕所也没有自来水。His mute and illiterate mother, and her extended family, raised her two sons in a small flat in Algiers with neither a lavatory nor running water.

该行动也吸引三教九流的战士,不只有目不识丁的牧人,还有大学生、救援工作者,甚至像哈利尔这种和平主义者。It has also attracted a wide variety of fighters – not only illiterate herdsmen but also college students, aid workers, even former pacifists like Mr.

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在日子七之前我了解,沉思的这技术是如此的简单以致于任何的孩子,否则甚至一个目不识丁的人能学习并且有效地练习它。By Day Seven I realized that this technique of meditation is so simple that any child or even an illiterate person can learn and effectively practise it.

该行动也吸引三教九流的战士,不只有目不识丁的牧人,还有大学生、救援工作者,甚至像哈利尔这种和平主义者。It has also attracted a wide variety of fighters – not only illiterate herdsmen but also college students, aid workers, even former pacifists like Mr. Halil.

这对夫妇被囚禁了388天,有时是单独监禁,但大多数时间关在沙漠的临时帐篷中,被一些手持AK47,目不识丁,毒瘾缠身的年轻人看守。The couple had spent 388 days in captivity, some in solitary confinement and most in makeshift desert camps, guarded by drug-addled, illiterate young men toting AK47s.