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队伍再次开拔。They marched again.

我们的队伍壮大了。Our ranks have swelled.

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游行队伍的末尾是一个乐队。A band ended the parade.

这支一流的队伍。The team first-class team.

这支队伍的人数可能会增长。And their ranks could grow.

这个队伍训练有素。The team were well-drilled.

这些队伍势均力敌。The teams were well matched.

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二是队伍结构形成梯队。The team structure is rundle.

啊呀,今天的队伍好长啊!Boy, are the lines long today!

林涛带着队伍出发了。Lin tao set out with the team.

温格的队伍惨不忍睹。Wenger's team were abominable.

该校拥有一支高水平的师资队伍。It boasts a high-level faculty.

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整个队伍都是在晚上作战的。All the forces operate at night.

尤达已经加入了你的队伍,绝地武士!Joined your team has Yoda, Jedi!

当然,队伍中有跳舞的嬉皮士。Sure, there are hippies dancing.

将军整列他的队伍。The general lined up his troops.

游行队伍没完没了地缓慢前进。The parade dragged by endlessly.

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他们都加入了我们祈祷的队伍中。But they all come to our prayers.

他带领他的队伍赢得胜利。He skippered his team to victory.

他率领队伍取得了胜利。He skippered the team to victory.