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第三是要深化外贸体制改革。Third, deepen reforming trade system.

深化投资体制改革。Reform of the investment system will be deepened.

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2003年至今救捞体制改革已经6年。Salvage has been reformed for 6 years since 2003.

他们又提起经济体制改革问题。They recurred to the reform of the economic structure.

人的重塑是体制改革的必然要求。The remolding of man is a must in the reform of system.

要继续推进财税体制改革。We will continue to reform the scal and taxation systems.

要继续推进财税体制改革。We will continue to reform the fiscal and taxation systems.

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科技情报体制改革,同样首先是观念创新。The re-form of S&T information system is an innovation also.

科技体制改革继续深化。Reform of the system for science and technology was deepened.

第三是要深化外贸体制改革。Thirdly, we should deepen reform of our foreign trade system.

推进医药卫生体制改革。Reform of the pharmaceutical and health care system will continue.

我国利率体制改革的目标是实现利率市场化。The target of the reform of interest rate system is marketization.

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改革攻坚的要害是政府体制改革。The vitals of assault on reform is the reform on government system.

我们加快实施医药卫生体制改革。China has accelerated its institutional reform in the health sector.

后勤保障体制改革不断深化。Reforms in the army's logistical support system continued to deepen.

三是投资体制改革取得积极进展。Third, we made positive progress in reforming the investment system.

投资体制改革的两大重点是取得成果和管理风险。Two key focuses of IL reform are achieving results and managing risks.

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深化科技体制改革。We will deepen the reform of thescienceand technologymanagementsystem.

如果要进行体制改革,乔纳森可能要迫不得已和他的后援团决裂。To change the system, Mr Jonathan would have to break with his backers.

大力推进金融、财税体制改革。We vigorously promoted reform. of the banking, fiscal and taxation systems.