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从加工材料的幅面上来选择。The wide from processing materials come up choice.

大幅面图形,视频剪辑和文本的副本将提供给您。Large Format Graphics, video clips and textual copy will be provided to you.

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该图的幅面设计为大对开版,首次印刷10000张。The plan's format designed for large off version of the first printing 10000.

立面的每一块玻璃上都印制着大幅面的石材特写。Every pane of glass in the facade depicts a large format close-up of a quarry.

在全球幅面上,海豚鲸鱼有此程度的超过900个化身。The dolphins and whales have over 900 embodiments at this level of evolution global wide.

在建筑勘察设计行业,总少不了跟大幅面绘图仪打交道。The survey and design in the construction industry, The need to deal with the large format plotter.

大幅面重组装饰单板复合地板及其制造方法。The large recombined decorative composite floor plate and manufacturing method thereof are provided.

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其次,符号消费的一些幅面效应也不容忽视,并提供了一些案例供研究。Secondly, symbol some breadth effect of consumption can't ignore either, offer some cases for, study.

这些记录现在被保管在由全球幅面上七个部族的提升人类所安排的圣殿里。These records are now held in temples orchestrated by the seven tribes of ascending humans worldwide.

大跨度钢桥加劲板件由于板件幅面较大,一般采用正交异性加劲板件。With greater width, the stiffening plate on a large span steel bridge is usually of the orthotropic type.

二十幅由当地艺术家拍摄的大幅面照片在立陶宛西部的Plateliai湖泊中得到展出。Twenty large format photographs by local artists were put on display in lake Plateliai, western Lithuania.

本文对宽幅面彩色喷墨绘图机RIP软件开发中的主要技术进行了分析研究。The key technology of developing RIP software for large-scale color InkJet plotter is studied in this paper.

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例如,马王国拥有全球幅面上一个特定的能量流程来使地球能够提升。For example, the kingdom of horse holds a particular energy flow global wide that empowers earth's ascension.

将输入帧尺寸的大小调整为幅面更小的输出帧时,最简单的方法是图像的裁切。The easiest method to adjust an input frame size to an output frame that's smaller is simply to crop the image.

正在向高功率、大幅面、厚板材方向发展。In the global market, the machine is developing to high power, large format laser cutting direction, thick plate.

传统的膏药切片工艺是采用刀片对由步进电机控制的条状、长幅面的膏药进行机械式切割。The traditional mechanical method is to use a knife to cut the plaster which is being controlled by a step-motor.

规划团队无需戴上3D眼镜,即可查看大幅面交互式3D显示画面。Without having to wear 3D goggles or glasses, a team of planners can view a large-format, interactive 3D display.

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因此,大幅面的绘图机是服装系统的重要输出设备。Therefore, The graph plotter of wide breadth is the important output equipment of the clothing system significantly.

找到问题的幅面,无论它们存在于代码中,整合中,第三方控件中,还是其它部分中。Finds the broadest set of issues, whether they originate in code, integration, third-party components, or other parts.

但一个印活调机的废品率不会受到幅面的影响,大致都是相近的。However, a printing machine of the rejection rate of living adjustment will not be format effects are broadly similar.