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我们应该开发自然资源。We should tap natural resources.

峨山自然资源丰富。Shan is rich in natural resources.

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中国自然资源丰富。China abounds in natural resources.

基里巴斯的自然资源非常稀少。Kiribati has few natural resources.

自然资源应当被善加应用。Natural resources should be made good use of.

南澳有丰富的自然资源。South Australia is rich in natural resources.

宝应,自然资源丰富。The nature resources in Baoying are abundant.

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许多自然资源被过分开发。Many natural resources are being overdeveloped.

自然资源分布很不均衡。Natural resources are very unevenly distibuted.

长岭县自然资源丰富。Changling County is abundant in natural resources.

北极是巨大的自然资源仓库TheArctic Is a Vast Storehouse of NaturalResources.

楚雄州有丰富的自然资源和人文景观。Chuxiong state has rich natural and human landscape.

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中国地大物博,自然资源丰富。China has a vast territory with rich natural resources.

不要认为自然资源是永不穷匮的。Don't believe that natural resources are inexhaustible.

他把毕生精力用于保护我们的自然资源。He dedicated himself to conserving our natural resources.

我国有得天独厚的自然资源。My country is blessed with unsurpassed natural resources.

这是自然资源保护服务国家植物数据中心的网站。This is the website of the NRCS National Plant Data Center.

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自然资源在萎缩,退化和枯竭。Natural resources are shrinking, degenerating and drying up.

自然资源的有限性决定了资源的稀缺性。The finiteness of natural resources determines its scarcity.

水是人类生存和发展不可缺少、不可替代的自然资源。The less competition you have, the less substitutable you is.