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时不我待。There is no time to waste.

但是欧债危机已经时不我待。Yet the euro crisis will not wait.

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这一责任时不我待,我们必须现在就行动起来。This responsibility cannot wait – we must act now.

需要作出许多具有胆识的决定,而且时不我待。Many bold decisions need to be taken, and taken soon.

伊拉克政府在推行健康卫生政策这件事上颇有点时不我待的感觉。IT’S the health and safety measure Iraqis have not been waiting for.

所以珍惜你拥有的每一刻,切记住时不我待。So treasure every moment that you have. And remember that time waits for no one.

时不我待,我们必须不断前进,行动迅速。Time is not on our side. We need to keep moving forward and we need to move fast.

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这个的确是当前需要,军队现代化时不我待。Indeed this is need of the hour can't wait or pause the modernisation for anbyody.

但是需要指出的是,时不我待,必须马上行动。I must point out, however, that time waits for no one, so we must take action immediately.

时不我待,这是攀登崇高理想的高峰、创造一个更美好的新世界的时刻。This is the day for us to rise to the heights of greatness which can build a new and better world.

野田首相说,如果日本希望避免债务评级被下调的风险,那么改善日本经济就时不我待。Noda says time is running out to improve the country's economy if it wants to avoid risk to its debt rating.

为了我们国家的强盛,为了我们的子孙后代,保护不可再生资源,时不我待。To make our nation strong and prosperous, for the well-being of our offspring, it is imperative to protect the non-renewable resources.

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但明年五月法国将举行大选,因此德国要想在短短六个月的轮值主席国期间解决这一问题,当真时不我待。Yet the presidential election in France next May means that there is not much time, during Germany's six-month presidency, to tackle the issue.

原因是当你退休了,失去的金钱就不太可能赚回来了,因为你没有工资收入了,时不我待。The reason why is when you’re in retirement it’s impossible to get the money back that you lost because you don’t have a salary coming in, so time is no longer on your side.

时不我待。没错,即使你名叫奥利斯肯·奥巴桑约,你是尼日利亚的总统,有一架飞机正在日内瓦机场等着你,你也必须抓紧时间。Time waits for no man, so the expression goes, not even if your name is Olusegun Obasanjo, you're president of Nigeria and you've got a plane waiting for you at Geneva airport.

时不我待,我们必须共同努力,恢复只有开放和稳定的市场才能带来的持续增长,这样的市场鼓励创新,支持创业,增进机会。Now is the time to work together to restore the sustained growth that can only come from open and stable markets that harness innovation, support entrepreneurship and advance opportunity.

希望两国工商界人士以争分夺秒、时不我待的精神,积极参与中印经贸合作进程,为中印两个古老民族的伟大复兴做出更大贡献。He called on the business communities of both countries to actively participate in bilateral economic and trade cooperation to contribute to the great rejuvenation of the two ancient civilizations.