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这能以高价出卖。It can sell high.

我是一名出卖经理。Iim a sales manager.

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死人不出卖人家的阴私。Dead men tells no tales.

他出卖了我。Eg. He double-crossed me.

她为金钱而出卖灵魂。She sold her soul for money.

被出卖的,永远是交心的那个。Betrayed, is always the best.

不要再让我们出卖灵魂。Don't let us betray our souls.

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他常出卖朋友。He always betrays his friends.

他是被他的朋友出卖的。He was split on by his friend.

你准备出卖灵魂了么?Are you selling them your soul?

他死有余辜!他出卖了我们。He died a punk! He ratted us out.

我们没有出卖朋友。We haven't ratted on our friends.

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但你倾斜的双眼已经出卖了你。But your slanting eyes betray you.

她为了得到那份工作可以出卖灵魂。She'd sell her soul to get the job.

你这是出卖了夏美和我。You'll be betraying Natsumi and me.

我出卖朋友,我是内奸,是叛徒。I'm a Judas, a turncoat, a quisling!

鲍威尔与众首领觉得被出卖。Powell and the chiefs felt betrayed.

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我不必出卖灵魂来购得幸福。I need not sell my soul to buy bliss.

我们完全被出卖了!We've been completely double-crossed!

他为了钱而出卖自身的朋友。He tricked his friend for moneys sake.