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我看见了一捆劈柴在地板上。I see a bundle of firewood on the floor.

他一整个上午都在劈柴。He spent the whole morning splitting wood.

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顿悟之后,劈柴担水。After enlightenment n chop wood, carry water.

我给自己安排了劈柴的任务。I set myself the task of chopp up the firewood.

他可以特别提出贮煤室和劈柴房来。He might specify the coal-cellar and the woodhouse.

纸张燃烧很快并且很热,可以让劈柴开始很好的燃烧。The paper burns fast and hot, giving the kindling a good start.

将报纸弄皱攒成球状,把它们和劈柴放在一起。Crumple a few sheets into balls and place them in with piles of kindling.

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他劈柴,生火,在小菜园里松土并锄草。He chopped wood to make the fire, dug and weeded the little vegetable patch.

它们们通过帮人挖井,割草,劈柴以及其他农活挣钱糊口。They earn money by digging wells, mowing grass, chopping wood and by other rural works.

有些不定式似乎分裂了更好,恰如圆炉用的劈柴劈开更好烧。Some infinitives seem to improve on being split, just as a stick of round stovewood does.

男人在劈柴,他把柴棚里的原木劈成小块。The boys chopped wood, splitting the enormous logs in the woodshed into manageable pieces.

劈柴院对青岛人来说,是一个家喻户晓的地名,它是青岛草根文化的代表。Axe Firewood Court is a well-known name to Qingdao people, it is a local culture representative.

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小木屋不像帐篷,至少上面有屋顶,还有一个烧劈柴的炉子可以让我们烘干防水靴,我们也可以把新买的L.A cabin, unlike a tent, has a roof. And a wood stove by which to dry our supposedly waterproof boots.

他打开了锈蚀的烤炉门,解释了他怎样将劈柴装入烤炉,并将火点着以获得热煤。He opens its rusty door, and explains how he loads the oven with firewood and sets them aflame to get hot coals.

请务必在用斧头劈柴烧火做饭前,把它清洗干净。Be sure to use with the wood axe for some old-fashioned wood fire grill and wash thoroughly before using it for meals.

要是你知道我们有多少大将军在这儿经营小得可怜的农场,以劈柴为生,你会到感到惊讶的。You'd be surprised to know how many great generals we have running two by four farms and chopping wood for a living here.

在青岛劈柴院古色古香的街道上,大家拉上了黄包车,享受百年前中国的历史气息。On the Pichaiyuan Street, the contestants were interested in drawing rickshaws, tasting the Chinese tradition a century ago.

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2007年12月始,市南区政府对劈柴院实施动迁置换和全面整修。Since December 2007, the Shinan District government began resident relocation and general renovation of the Pichaiyuan area.

她给我讲了一个喜欢劈柴喜欢做草垫、白天拾山核桃晚上清洁打扫的母亲。She told me of a mother who liked to chop wood and make pallets, who picked pecans by day and worked at the cleaners at night.

好的。先帮我劈柴,一会儿你向前走然后右转,你会看到路边停着一辆豪华小轿车,那就是给你的。OK. Help me first, then walk towards and turn right. You will see a luxurious car on the roadside. That's just for you. And your second wish?