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我们可是这里的贵宾啊。We are the VIP customers here.

我有三只贵宾犬和一只猫。I have three poodles and a cat.

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乐队奏乐欢送贵宾。The band played the guests off.

北京空港贵宾服务有限公司。Beijing airport vip service company ltd.

在贵宾到达前对贵宾房进行检查。Inspects all VIP rooms prior to arrival.

他是节日盛上的贵宾。He is the special guest on a gala occasion.

让我们为贵宾们干杯。Let's look towards our distinguished guests.

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我来介绍一下我们今天的贵宾。Let me introduce our distinguished guests today.

你希望把标准贵宾犬养在室内还是室外?Would your Standard Poodle be indoor or outdoor?

他拿出一个贵宾徽标,伸出手,想跟哈尔打声招呼。He’s got a guest nametag and an outstretched hand.

特别是,你的老板,父母,老师和贵宾。In particular, bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs.

为走机坪通道的贵宾提供车辆摆渡或引导。To provide vehicles ferry and guidance for customers.

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是的贵宾的记分牌上显示,您的团队只。The VIP is shown on the scoreboard, for your team only.

贵宾室及会议室的设备及整洁是否良好?。Are the VIP lounge and conference rooms well maintained?

拉布拉多贵宾狗是拉布拉多觅拾犬和贵宾狗的混种。A Labradoodle is a mix of Labrador retriever and a poodle.

我们谨请你赏光,作我们的贵宾好吗?。May we have the honor of having you as our guest of honor?

翅子是招待贵宾时才选用的菜肴。Shark fin is only served when dinning with honored guests.

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在热烈的掌声中贵宾们登上了主席台。Amid warm applause the honoured guests mounted the rostrum.

请按此打印“贵宾证确认函”!Please click here to print "VIP Badge Confirmation Letter"!

幸好,有一段音乐会使皇家贵宾皱起的眉头舒展开来。Fortunately, one part of the musical soothed the royal brow.