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一见倾心。Love at first sight.

吉尔令女人一见倾心。Jill is a lady-killer.

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大卫令女人一见倾心。David is a lady-killer.

对文字一见倾心。To the word love at first sight.

不要低估一见倾心。Don't underestimate love at first sight.

我已经对她一见倾心。I was already developing a crush on her.

正如小说中所说的,那是一见倾心。It was at first sight, as the novels say.

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亨利和珍妮彼此一见倾心。Hennry and Jenny took a shine to each other.

亨利和珍妮彼此一见倾心。Henry and Jeanne take a shine to each other.

亨利和珍妮彼此一见倾心。Helly and Jenny they take a shine to each other.

克娄巴特拉的美貌使恺撒一见倾心。Julius Caesar was ravished by Cleopatra's beauty.

一见倾心,百看不厌,值得拥有。Love it at sight, never tireless, deserve to own.

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毫无例外地,她的美丽,也让沈从文一见倾心。Without being an exception, Shen was also totally attracted by her beauty.

那时,张兆和是学校里出了名的美人,追随者甚众。毫无例外地,她的美丽,也让沈从文一见倾心。At that time, Zhang was a well-known beauty in school with a wealth of pursuers.

这位年轻的飞行员在船坞对起义军破坏者卢克·天行者一见倾心。This young pilot met Rebel saboteur Luke Skywalker at the yards and was instantly smitten.

直到决斗结束,她才露出她的真正面目,原来是一个美貌的女子,卡萨诺瓦立即对她一见倾心。Only when the duel ends is she revealed as a beautiful woman and Casanova is immediately smitten.

如果你是追求速度的狂人,9系速度概念车会让你一见倾心。Are you a speed freak? The 9 Series is our top-ofthe-line bike for those who put speed above all else.

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两个害羞的人一见倾心,尽管存在着语言差异,他们可以用手势交流,很少说话。The two shyly hit it off despite their different languages, communicating with gestures and few words.

盘金羊毛地毯以其独特的设计让人一见倾心。People fall in love with the circled golden woollen carpet AT first sight because of its unique design.

从有了电影的那一天起,书面文字就在努力想像它一样令人一见倾心。Ever since the invention of moving pictures, the written word has struggled to be as instantaneously exciting.