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那就包括海战队和空军,海军和陆军。So it's marine force, air force, navy and army.

在海战结束后如何补充船员数量?How are lost crew numbers replenished post-battle?

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在现代海战中,很少有短兵相接的场面。In modern naval warfare, men seldom fight hand to hand.

后来发生的海上追猎战成为了一场带有传奇色彩的海战。The chase that ensued became a legendary battle at sea.

其他同盟国家参与了海战和空战。Other Allied nations participated in the naval and air forces.

亚克兴海战决定了罗马帝国的命运。The sea battle of Actium decides the fate of the Roman Empire.

特拉法加海战中英国海军主帅是?In the Battle of Trafalgar, who is the commander of British Navy?

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与此同时,北野武藏识出刀锋就是海战中击毙小春的人。Meanwhile, kitano hidden blade is general out killed in a sea saves.

对话的电文于1995年10月10日由海战军事行动最高指挥官公诸于世。Radio conversation released by the Chief of Naval Operations 10-10-95.

在1988年,中越在南沙群岛上进行了一场短暂的海战。In 1988, China and Vietnam fought a brief naval battle in the Spratlys.

绝大多数人反对授权他进行不宣而战的海战。How can you say you disagree when the majority of your classmates do not?

该N81科负责提供各方面海战的分析支持。The N81 Division provides analysis of all aspects of naval warfare support.

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合同在大西洋空间和海战系统中心签订。The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic is the contracting activity.

绝大多数人反对授权他进行不宣而战的海战。There was overwhelming opposition to empowering him to wage a declared naval war.

在萨拉弥斯海战中,地米斯托克利也是靠着类似的招数才扭转乾坤Similarly, in naval battles Themistocles at Salamis comes up with a clever device.

在遭受惨重伤亡后,敌舰退出了海战。The enemy warships were disengaged from the battle after suffering heavy casualties.

它以好好的风景著名,特别是碧蓝的大年夜海战红色的沙岸。It is famous for its wonderful sights, especially the blue sea and the white beaches.

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炮兵帮助拿破仑征服了大部分欧洲,改变了海战的局面。Artillery helped Napoleon conquer most ofEurope and changed the face of naval warfare.

弹痕累累的战争遗迹,悲壮而凝重,向人们讲述中日甲午海战的悲壮历史。The solemn bullet-ridden war remains tell of the sad history of the Sino-Japanese War.

它是珊瑚海海战、中途岛海战、瓜岛海战这一系列历史性胜利中的关键武器。It was the crucial weapon in historic victories at the Coral Sea, Midway, and Guadalcanal.