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我们都是炎黄子孙的后代。We are all the descendants of the people.

你凝聚了天下炎黄子孙的心啊!You unite the hearts of Chinese people in the world ah!

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登游泰山是数千年来炎黄子孙的宿愿。To visit Mount Tai has been Chinese wish for thousands years.

我们是黄种人,是炎黄子孙。We are of the yellow race and descendants of the Yellow Emperor.

金乡人源于黄河流域,是炎黄子孙。Kim countryman from the Yellow River basin is the Chinese people.

全部旳中国人在自豪,全部旳炎黄子孙在骄傲!All Chinese are proud , all all people of Chinese descent are uppish!

所有的中国人在自豪,所有的炎黄子孙在骄傲!All Chinese are proud , all all people of Chinese descent are uppish !

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中国人常说自己是“炎黄子孙”,这个说法跟传说中的人物黄帝和炎帝有关。Chinese people often refer to themselves as "descendants of Yandi and Huangdi".

作为炎黄子孙,您或许有兴趣去拜谒离西安不远的黄帝陵。As a Chinese, you might be interested to pay homage at the Mausoleum from near Xi'an.

2008年奥运会能在北京举行是每一个炎黄子孙的愿望。It's the common wish of the Chinese people that the Olympic 2008 would be held in Beijing.

我们是炎黄子孙,看到原本雄伟壮丽的黄河母亲遭受破坏,你还能坐视不理么?We are Chinese, and seen the magnificent Yellow mother destroyed, What can you do nothing?

但是他没有忘记自己是炎黄子孙,对祖国始终充满了爱。But he never forgot he was a Chinese descendant and he cherish a deep love for his country.

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尽管我们都是炎黄子孙,却受着不同环境的影响。Through born from the same heritage, we are all affected by the different worlds around us.

蒙古版的蒸盛宴了所谓的父亲在内的所有炎黄子孙的火锅。The Mongolian version of the steaming feast has been called the father of all Chinese hot pot.

你把仁政博爱之道之礼,潜进炎黄子孙的思维。You put the policy of benevolence and the teaching of philanthropy into Chinese people's mind.

你们为何又自称为华夏子孙或炎黄子孙?这些称谓有何意义?。Why do you call yourselves Huaxia people or the descendants of Huangdi and Yandi?What do they mean. '?

建设二十一世纪中华民族新文化是每个炎黄子孙的使命。Constuct for 21 centuries, the Chinese nation new culture is each mission of burning yellow descendant.

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但是他没有忘记自己是炎黄子孙,对祖国始终充满了爱。However, he never forgot that he was a Chinese descendant and he cherished a deep love for his country.

传统大同、小康曾是炎黄子孙世代希冀向往的社会理想。The traditional Great Harmony and well-off Society is what the Chinese people have long been looking for.

这是所有炎黄子孙和热爱真善美的人们义不容辞的责任。It is a duty of every Chinese people and the people who love the empressement , goodness and beauty for ever.