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上班路上我碰见了一个色鬼。I ran over a goat.

上班时如何防虫?What about at work?

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我上班走很远的路。I go far to my work.

我正要搭公车去上班。I go to work by bus.

那么,我还用去上班吗?Should I go to work?

你怎么去上班啊?How do you go to work?

你走路上班过吗?Have you walked to work?

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我驾车同她一起去上班。I drive to work with her.

他们上班时不准谈话。They can not talk at work.

恩佐骑着自行车去上班。Enzo rode the bike to work.

他在上班的时候给我送花。He sent me flowers at work.

哎在肿瘤医院上班。I work in a tumor hospital.

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哈利搭公车上班。Harry takes the bus to work.

我去上班,所以你才有饭吃!I go to work so you can eat!

我乘无轨电车去上班。I got to work by trolleybus.

那个男服务员在一家宾馆上班。The waiter works in a hotel.

但我不在市区里上班。But I don't work in the city.

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他睡过头了,误了上班。He overslept and missed work.

从前他常乘公共汽车上班。He used to go to work by bus.

他白天在办公室上班。He works in an office by day.